Agenda item

Plumbase, Fawcett Street, YO10 4AH [21/01570/FULM]

Erection of a 3 and 3.5 storey student accommodation block (83no. student studios), ancillary storage building and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings (resubmission) [Fishergate Ward].



Members considered an application for the erection in Fishergate Ward of a 3 and 3.5 storey student accommodation block (83no. student studios), ancillary storage building and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings (resubmission). The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application.


In response to questions from members, officers noted that:

·        The major improvements to the amenity space the applicants had made since the last application included increasing circulation space and the creation of additional communal amenity space on each floor.

·        The position and shape of some of the windows on the development had been altered since the application was previously considered, but size of the overall building remained the same.

·        The scheme is unchanged compared to the first time it was considered in terms of accessibility provisions.

·        The footpath at the front of the building was to be widened under the plans, but the cycle path was to remain the same width.


Public Participation

Gary Swarbick, Director, ELG Planning spoke as an agent of the applicant and detailed the changes the applicant had made to comply with the comments made when it was last considered by the committee. He stated that there was now additional communal space across each floor comprising seating areas and kitchenettes. Mr Swarbick explained that the main communal area on the ground floor of the development had been increased in size and provided a large open-plan space with clusters of tables and chairs, café style seating, vending machines and TVs. He indicated that the total amenity space for the development now came to 170 square meters, which was equal to 2 square meters per bedroom – he stated that although York did not have any guidelines of amenity space per bedroom, Leeds City Council had recommended at least 1 square meter per bedroom. He also stated that the bedroom size exceeded national averages.


In response to questions from members, Mr Swarbick and his colleagues noted that:

·        The national average for studio bedrooms in similar schemes was around 20 square meters, and all the rooms in this development were larger than that, ranging from 21 to 27 square meters.

·        They had taken a bedroom on each floor and converted it into communal space in response to the committee’s comments.

·        The provision of amenity space had doubled since the application was last considered by the committee.

·        The reception in the original plans had been converted into additional communal space for residents.

·        There were specifically dedicated disabled access rooms in the development with larger dimensions to facilitate wheelchair turning, as well as lower basin heights and extra storage for mobility aids. If demand were high, other rooms are capable of being converted to be fully accessible for disabled people.


Following debate, it was moved by Cllr Pavlovic and seconded by Cllr Waudby to approve the application subject to conditions outlined in the report. A vote was taken, with 7 in favour and 5 against. The motion was carried and it was therefore



i.                 That delegated authority be given to the Head of Development Services to approve the application subject to:

a.   The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a planning obligation to provide a contribution of £8,607 (index linked) towards amenity open space.

b.   The conditions set out in the report.

ii.                The Head of Development Services be given delegated authority to finalise the terms and details of the Section 106 Agreement.

iii.              The Head of Development Services be given delegated authority to determine the final details of the planning conditions.


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