Agenda item

Local Transport Plan

Members will be given a presentation on the Local Transport Plan.


The Transport Manager have a presentation on the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP 4). He outlined the LTP activity so far and expected timescales and gave an update on the progress of the carbon strategy, the Local Plan, economic strategy, transport asset base and traffic issues and the outcome of Our Big Conversation. He gave an overview of emerging themes which included looking at changing behaviours, reducing the need to travel, decarbonising the vehicle fleet, charging schemes and items outside the Department for Transport (DfT) categories. He then explained the expected timelines for the LTPs for which the new guidance was expected in February 2022.


The Transport Manager was joined by the Head of Highways and Transport and Corporate Director of Place in answering the following questions from Members:

·        The Head of Highways and Transport was looking into the transhipment of goods to local areas with freight companies. This included a feasibility study and pilot looking at the use of multi modal hubs around the city. In addition, they were having conservations with the rail industries and these included discussion on the sustainable shipment of gas. It was highlighted that from March to Autumn 2022 the movement of small parcels would be examined with the involvement of companies using e-cargo bicycles.


·        Regarding the impact of homeworking there would need to be flexibility in how to implement measures around transhipment.


·        Regarding the timelines and report to Executive, there was a complexity of issues affecting timeframes. The DfT requirement for the LTP would influence thinking and the council would need their view on the decarbonisation of its fleet. Additionally, the outcomes of Our Big Conversation (which would feed into the LTP)  and clear areas of conflict between the work of this committee and the Climate Change Policy and Scrutiny Committee needed to be considered. The impact of devolution was needed as there would be unitary elections in May 2021 and the formation of a shadow authority which would operate alongside the existing authorities. 

·        Concerning York Central, Members were advised that outline planning permission had been granted and the specifics would be part of a reserved matters application.


·        The report to Executive would be based on guidance on the LTP and emerging priorities from Our Big Conversation, Climate Change Policy and Scrutiny Committee, the economic strategy and transport strategy.


·        The council was working on LTP 4 (LTP 3 was delivered in 2011). The potential scope of LTP 4 would address transport accessibility in terms of travelling around the city using different modes of transport. The general principles would be set out in the main LTP document and the information on services would be set out in the ‘daughter’ documents.


·        With regard to car parking and the extent to which it was likely to define the overarching strategy, the DfT guidance would be used. It was highlighted that the car parking strategy would need to take account of the climate change strategy and economic strategy. The bus improvement strategy was available on the iTravel website and the review periods for it were noted. An announcement for funding on this was expected in February 2022. The complexities and challenges around car parking on residential properties was noted.


·        An update on the progress of investment in new traffic modelling software was given. It was noted that this included real time modelling which could be used to project traffic movement.


·        With reference to the collection of data to inform strategy, it was explained what sources were used and noted that the council was awaiting advice from the DfT on how modelling should be undertaken to reflect the impact of COVID. Members were advised that there be some mandated models included with the LTP guidance.


·        An update on Traffic Regulation orders (TROs) was given.


·        Pertaining to the need for a joined up cohesive transport system to enable people to travel from A to B, this was a complicated issue and an important role of the LTP was to determine how this would be delivered. It was noted that there was a need to compromise which modes of transport would take priority as there were areas of highway travel where compromises needed to be made, for example on Tadcaster Road.


Resolved: That the update on the LTP be noted.


Reason:     In order to be kept up to date on the LTP.






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