Agenda item
Outcome of the Feasibility Study into a Riverside Walkway and New Pedestrian Bridge over the Ouse
The Director of Housing, Economy and Regeneration to present a report which sets out initial feasibility findings in relation to potential infrastructure and regeneration proposals for the Coney Street and associated riverside area of the city centre, together with proposals for the next stage of exploratory work.
Resolved: (i) That the outcomes of the YNYER LEP funded feasibility work on a riverside walkway to the rear of Coney Street and options for a new pedestrian bridge over the Ouse be noted.
Reason: To note the options and opportunities for opening up the Ouse riverside and creating new walking routes from the station to the city centre.
(ii) That the inclusion of the riverside walkway in the council’s Levelling Up fund bid be noted.
Reason: To be aware that the riverside walkway has formed part of the council’s first round funding bid to the government’s Levelling Up Fund, with the outcome due to be announced in autumn 2021.
(iii) That officers continue to work with the private sector owners of riverside properties to shape the emerging riverside walkway proposals and negotiate any necessary commercial relationships with neighbouring landowners and developers for Executive approval.
Reason: To ensure the developer proposals for a new walkway, as part of the emerging Riverside Quarter development, fit with the city’s strategies and ambitions and optimise social benefits.
(iv) That approval be given to undertake any necessary early stage surveys and feasibility work on the council-owned 25-27 Coney Street as part of the wider private sector redevelopment proposals to be funded from existing city centre regeneration budgets and staff resources.
Reason: To ensure that the council can use its landholding interest to influence the Riverside Quarter development proposals and maximise the commercial return from any potential future development.
The Director of Housing, Economy and Regeneration presented a report which set out initial feasibility findings in relation to potential infrastructure and regeneration proposals for the Coney Street and associated riverside area of the city centre, together with proposals for the next stage of exploratory work.
A summary of the feasibility report prepared by Building Design Partnership (BDP) was attached as Annex 1, and the full report as exempt Annex 1a. The study had examined options within four zoned areas between Lendal and Ouse Bridge, as detailed in paragraphs 12-18 of the cover report. Based on the findings, it was proposed to focus on the riverside walk from the existing boardwalk outside City Screen to Ouse Bridge. Although a pedestrian bridge was technically feasible, it would need to be considered within the wider strategy of the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP 4). A walkway connecting the City Screen boardwalk to Lendal Bridge was considered too problematic, due to complex land ownership and the conservation impact on the Guildhall setting. It was therefore recommended that officers continue to explore options for the route identified and work with Helmsley Group to shape the public benefits of the proposed Riverside Quarter redevelopment. To support delivery of the project, it had been included in the council’s submission to the government’s Levelling Up fund.
Members welcomed the report and the progress made towards developing an idea that had been under discussion for many years. In commending the proposals to Members, the Executive Member for Finance & Performance thanked York MPs for their support of the funding bid. Having noted the comments made on this item under Public Participation, it was
Resolved: (i) That the outcomes of the YNYER LEP funded feasibility work on a riverside walkway to the rear of Coney Street and options for a new pedestrian bridge over the Ouse be noted.
Reason: To note the options and opportunities for opening up the Ouse riverside and creating new walking routes from the station to the city centre.
(ii) That the inclusion of the riverside walkway in the council’s Levelling Up fund bid be noted.
Reason: To be aware that the riverside walkway has formed part of the council’s first round funding bid to the government’s Levelling Up Fund, with the outcome due to be announced in autumn 2021.
(iii) That officers continue to work with the private sector owners of riverside properties to shape the emerging riverside walkway proposals and negotiate any necessary commercial relationships with neighbouring landowners and developers for Executive approval.
Reason: To ensure the developer proposals for a new walkway, as part of the emerging Riverside Quarter development, fit with the city’s strategies and ambitions and optimise social benefits.
(iv) That approval be given to undertake any necessary early stage surveys and feasibility work on the council-owned 25-27 Coney Street as part of the wider private sector redevelopment proposals to be funded from existing city centre regeneration budgets and staff resources.
Reason: To ensure that the council can use its landholding interest to influence the Riverside Quarter development proposals and maximise the commercial return from any potential future development.
Supporting documents:
Riverside walkway and Ouse bridge Exec report FINAL, item 22.
PDF 653 KB View as HTML (22./1) 75 KB
Annex 1 - summary of the riverside feasibility study findings, item 22.
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 22./3 is restricted
Annex 2 - York Riverside Equalities Impact Assessment, item 22.
PDF 717 KB View as HTML (22./4) 103 KB