Agenda item
Covid-19 Update
- Meeting of Health and Wellbeing Board, Wednesday, 10 March 2021 4.30 pm (Item 32.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 32.
A presentation will be given at the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting which will contain the most up to date information regarding Covid-19 in York.
The Director of Public Health provided an update on the latest data regarding Covid-19 in York.
The key points arising from the update, included:
· The rate of positive cases for York was currently at 45.6 per 100,000, which was below the national and regional average.
· The over 60’s positive case rate had dramatically reduced and was currently at 24.3 per 100,000, which was the lowest rate in Yorkshire and the Humber.
· Nine electoral wards in York were currently above the national average and three electoral wards had no positive cases. Strensall currently had the highest rate of infection, just over 168 per 100,000.
· The percentage of positive cases currently being picked up through the PCR testing had lowered to 2.1% and the lateral flow test positive rates were at 0.2%.
· Two care homes currently had outbreaks and currently 34 children of primary and secondary school age had tested positive.
· The current death rate in York due to Covid was 174 per 100,000, which was lower than the national average.
The Director highlighted the roadmap set by the Government and she noted the four conditions the Government would be considering for lockdown easing:
1) Vaccine programme continued to go to plan;
2) Evidence showed vaccines were reducing deaths and numbers requiring hospital treatments;
3) Infection rates did not risk surge in hospital admissions;
4) New variants did not change the risk of lifting restrictions.
Board Members noted that the Outbreak Management Plan would be refreshed and officers would be focusing on the wider economic recovery.
The Chair then invited Board Members to provide a Covid update within their service areas. They highlighted the strong partnership working that had taken place throughout the pandemic and appreciations were expressed to all primary care and public health colleagues, care homes, volunteers, schools, and York CVS.
The Board noted that:
· The vaccination programme was going extremely well in York and that the second dose would soon be offered to care homes.
· Covid admissions to York hospital had slowly started to reduce and that the sector would continue to work together to support the recovery programme and the long term impacts of the pandemic.
· 95% of children were now back in school.
· There had been a surge in Mental Health referrals, particularly with children’s eating disorders.
· Staff across the whole sector had worked extremely hard throughout the pandemic and support to them would be a priority throughout recovery.
The Manager of Healthwatch York highlighted some concerns she had regarding residents with learning difficulties accessing the vaccine and it was agreed that she would liaise with some Board Members following the meeting.
In answer to some questions raised, it was confirmed that schools had very thorough risk assessments in place and that the majority of mental health services had continued to manage a four week waiting time.
The Chair thanked Board Members for their updates and she noted that vaccinating and testing in care homes had been successful and that staff remained focussed on increasing the vaccine uptake whilst remaining vigilant, careful and cautious through the easing of restrictions. She also confirmed that visiting in care homes had started this week.
(i) That the update be noted.
(ii) That a recovery update be presented at a future Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.
Reason: To ensure the Board were aware of the current situation in York relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.