Agenda item

Update on Covid-19

Please note that there is no paper for this item.  A presentation will be given at the HWBB meeting which will contain the most up to date information regarding Covid-19 in York.


The Director of Public Health gave an update on the latest data regarding Covid-19 in York up to 3 January 2021.


The key points arising from the presentation included:


·        The provisional rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 28.12.20 to 3.1.21 in York was 559.8.

·        The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 25.12.20 to 31.12.20 was 464.8. The national and regional averages at this date were 546.9 and 264.6 respectively.

·        As at 5.1.21 there were 13 care homes in the City of York Council (CYC) area with confirmed Covid-19 infection (at least 1 case of either a staff member or resident).

·        The latest ‘outbreak’ (2+ cases) in a residential care setting in York was reported by Public Health England on 5.1.21 (2 homes)

·        In the 7 days up to 3.1.21 there were 104 children of primary and secondary school age who tested positive (across 40 different schools).

·        In response to a community outbreak, Bishopthorpe, Woodthorpe and Acomb Park had mobile testing units in place.

·        Between 22.10.20 and 25.12.20, 396 ‘actionable’ positive Covid-19 CYC cases had been referred to the local contact tracing service.  390 of the referrals (98.5%) had been actioned and 6 were still ‘in progress. 

·        There have been 39 Covid-19 deaths of CYC residents reported by ONS in the last 11 weeks (Weeks 41 to 51).

·        Testing sites were expanded and the University of York would also be opening for lateral flow testing.

·        The roll out of the vaccination programme had begun and would be accelerating over the coming weeks as the vaccine becomes more readily available.


The Director confirmed that care home staff were receiving weekly Covid tests and the care home residents were receiving monthly tests. She thanked all of the staff who worked in the care home sector for their incredible support throughout the pandemic and she also thanked York St John University and the University of York for making their sites available for testing.


The Chair then invited Board Members to provide a Covid update within their work areas and the following key points were raised:


·        As of 6 January 2021 there were 81 people with Covid in York hospital and the hospital trust were considering ways to expand Covid capacity. The Chief Executive of York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust hoped the impact of the lockdown would show in the next 7 to 10 days but that they expected the numbers to rise before then.  He confirmed that staff and staff of sister partners were starting to receive the vaccine and he welcomed the continued support from schools for key worker children to attend.

·        The vaccination programme was being rolled out from two approved sites in York, Haxby Health Centre and Askham Bar and that the longer term plan was to allocate more sites around the city.

·        The care home sector continued to work closely with key partners to ensure vaccines were offered to care home staff and residents.

·        The definition of a key worker had been widened meaning some schools were at capacity but staff were committed to ensuring places were provided for key worker and vulnerable children. The Director of People commended schools for managing this process and she confirmed there was a real commitment to work collaboratively.

·        Children’s services remained fully open and children in need were being supported. The Corporate Director of People thanked staff for their continued support throughout the pandemic.

·        Referrals into mental health services had started to escalate and staff were working to maximise the capacity of the frontline.

·        The social subscribing team and the Covid monitoring hubs had seen a large increase in referrals and York CVS were also working on finding volunteers to support the vaccination process.

·        A full Policing service would continue and the latest regulations and key messages would be shared within communities. 


In answer to the Boards questions it was noted that best practice across both vaccination sites would be observed to enable residents to receive a more coherent experience.


The Chair then expressed the Boards gratitude to all organisations and partners across the city for their continued partnership working, support and determination to keep the city safe during the pandemic.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.


Reason: To ensure the Board were aware of the current situation in York relating to Covid-19.



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