Agenda item

Economic Strategy and Partnership

The Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee have been asked by the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning to review the approach to the new Economic Strategy and Partnership, which is attached to this agenda.



At the Decision Session of the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning on 21 October 2020, the Executive Member received a report detailing the revised approach to the Economic Strategy and Partnership. One of the recommendations from that report was to submit the document to Scrutiny for further review and to receive comments from Scrutiny before the next stage in the strategy’s development. The Corporate Director Economy and Place, Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, Head of Economic Growth and Interim Director of Place were in attendance to present the report and answer Member questions.

The Head of Economic Growth outlined the report presented at the Decision Session on 21 October explaining how COVID-19 had impacted the development of economic strategy and improved engagement and partnership work with businesses. He updated Members on the work undertaken as part of inclusive growth.

In response to Member questions officers explained that:

·        There was engagement with businesses across the City of York area. The council worked with a range of organisations including Indie York and York Retail Forum. It was noted that 1100 micro grants had been given to businesses across the city.

·        There had been discussions with the Leeds City Region Inclusive Growth Panel about the inclusion of different groups. The council was trying to find different ways of working with the two universities and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The two universities had a permanent role in business engagement with the council and had been providing guidance on the recovery strategy as part of the economic strategy. There was also engagement from the TUC on the skills panel. It was noted that these groups were formally constituted.

·        The introduction of new ways of working following changes in working patterns and arrangements during COVID-19 had led to looking at the new office offer with spaces for meeting on offer to address changes in working practices

·        The targets for inward investment were primarily from the UK.

·        Just transition was parallel to inclusive growth and was about making sure that transition was fair to all sections of society.

·        An update on York Business week was given. The events during the week had been well attended as they were held online. Make it York (MiY) and partners were thanked for their input on this. The Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning thanked the Head of Economic Growth for his work on York Business Week.

·        There was a need to respond to the needs of for a sustainable economy as well as good incomes for people in a variety of jobs in the city.

·        An update on the ten year recovery plan and impact of Brexit was given.

·        The biotech, agritech, and green economy were generating new skills and new jobs that didn’t yet exist. The impact of devolution on this was noted as well as the impact pf the component parts of devolution were acknowledged. The role of the council in supporting businesses develop 21st century jobs was noted. This included working with businesses on the circular economy.

Resolved:  That revised approach to the Economic Strategy and Partnership be noted.

Reason:     In order to provide feedback on the revised approach to the Economic Strategy and Partnership

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