Agenda item

Audit and Counter Fraud Monitoring Report

This report provides an update on the delivery of the internal audit work plan for 2020/21 and on counter fraud activity undertaken so far in 2020/21.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the delivery of the internal audit work plan for 2020/21 and on counter-fraud activity undertaken during the year so far, following the resumption of work suspended in March due to Covid-19.


To date, work had commenced on 19 of the audits in the plan approved by the committee on 15 July 2020, as summarised in Annex 1 to the report.  Audit reports finalised since the last update were shown in Annex 2.  Further details of follow-up work on agreed actions would be included in future monitoring reports.


Counter fraud work undertaken in accordance with the approved plan was summarised in Annex 3.  In the 6 months to 30 September, the team had achieved £185k in savings for the council, against a yearly target of £200k.  Successful outcomes had been recorded for 46% of investigations completed.  The team had also taken on unplanned work and new procedures due to Covid19, supporting the council by helping to minimise the risk of fraud relating to the payment of grants to local businesses.


Officers responded to Members’ questions, confirming that:

·        Successful investigation outcomes were in line with those of other local authorities and above the 30% target;

·        In respect of business grants, lessons had been learned from the first tranche of grants paid out and the team was in a good position to help prevent fraud occurring at the outset;

·        In cases of ‘limited assurance’ audit findings, the normal process was to agree an action plan with the manager or team; this would be followed up and the results shared with the committee;

·        Due to an oversight, the detailed audit reports had not been included in Annex 2; this would be rectified.*


*[Note: the detailed reports have since been published online with the agenda for this meeting, in Agenda Supplement 2].


Resolved:  That the progress made in delivering the 2020/21 internal audit work programme, and the current counter-fraud activity, be noted.


Reason:     To confirm that Members have considered the implications of audit and fraud findings.


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