Agenda item

Christmas Lighting - Proposals for 2007

This report updates Members of the Board on a number of options for Christmas Lighting – related activities for 2007, and also reviews other festive activities proposed and committed for this year.  The report also highlights the need for a long term strategy on this issue.


Members considered a report which updated Members of the Board on a number of options for Christmas Lighting – related activities for 2007, and also reviews other festive activities proposed and committed for this year. The report also highlighted the need for a long term strategy on this issue.


Regarding festive lighting, the following options were presented for consideration by the Economic Development Partnership Board:


·        Single Decorative Illumination.  This could be in Parliament Street as last year, or another site.  Costs depend on what was desired but could range between £20k - £45k.

·        City Wide Cross street lighting scheme.  On the basis of previous experience, this would cost approximately £40k - £50k. It was understood that this was the favoured option of many retailers. 

·        ‘Best Dressed window’ campaign.  A competition between retailers to create spectacular Christmas window displays. Minimum costs would apply but it would need a lot of officer time.

·        Christmas Tree campaign.  Using many of the existing brackets on shop fronts to create a scheme where each shop could display a small tree with white fairy lights. Minimal costs as retailers would buy into the scheme but officer time could be considerable.

·        Creative Kids Competition.  Engaging with schoolchildren of all ages, the winning designs would be made into Christmas lights and installed around the town for all to see.  Costs were approximately £500 per design + installation.  Sponsorship could potentially be easier to find due to the nature of this scheme. 


The issue of a long term strategy for Christmas lighting also needed to be addressed. It was difficult to switch resources for 2007 from other areas into Christmas Lights as these activities – as well as the Lights themselves – ideally needed a long lead-in period in order to offer the best promotional advantage.  Promotional materials highlight tourism events and activities a year or more in advance, so already decisions for 2008 and beyond were needed.


The following points were raised:


·        The need to explore a way of finding a permanent solution to the issue of Christmas illuminations, through discussion with the City Centre Partnership on longer term responsibilities

·        Christmas events were hugely popular

·        The fact that traders had indicated that they were not able to contribute to funds for Christmas illuminations in 2007

·        The Council was not in a position to fund the cross street lights but was happy to assist traders over any installation matters they might have

·        The Christmas Tree Campaign was the most favoured option and that the emphasis should be on individual trees rather than an additional City centre feature provided by the Council (the St Helen’s Tree will continue to be provided)

·        The Creative Kids Competition was also favoured and it was noted that the cost was reasonable

·        A candlelight festival/celebration was suggested



(i)                 That the Christmas Tree Campaign – using many of the existing brackets on shop fronts to create a scheme where each shop could display a small tree with white fairy lights was the favoured option and would be organised by the City Council

(ii)               That the City Council Officers facilitate a Creative Kids competition

(iii)       That the Officers discuss with the City Centre Partnership longer term, strategic responsibilities on the provision of Christmas lighting


REASON:                  To give a direction to Christmas lighting strategy for York for 2007 and provide the basis for a longer term solution

Supporting documents:


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