Agenda item

Industrial Property Investment Fund, Unit C, Auster Road, [20/00056/FULM]

This application seeks permission for the erection of a four storey building to form a self-storage facility with associated access and landscaping (use class B8) [Rawcliffe and Clifton Without]



Members considered a full application from Mr Andy Wood for the erection of a four storey building to form a self-storage facility with associated access and landscaping (use class B8).


Officers gave a presentation based upon the slides at pages 103 – 107 of the Agenda and reported that:

·        Comments from the Design, Conservation and Sustainable Development (Landscape) consultee had been received.  They considered that the quantity of tree cover across the Clifton Moor estate to be in gradual decline due to incremental increases in the overall developed footprint.  The proposed development sits further forward than the demolished building and the existing buildings on either side.  The reduction in the width of the green verge adjacent to Clifton Moorgate reduces the capacity for larger trees to replace those that were lost.  The proposed landscape was considered, to be a simple scheme that contained a detailed variety of species, and is of a suitable native flavour. It places a native hedge along the full south-east boundary, and includes 2 species of trees - Rowan and Birch - along the front. This would all be under-planted with wildflowers in grass. The officer would prefer to see the inclusion of some larger and longer-lived tree species within the mix and recommended that if planning permission is granted that a  condition be added requiring a detailed landscape scheme to be submitted for approval and a condition requiring the proposed boundary hedge to be maintained at a height of not less than 1.5m.

·        In response to the comments above, condition 17 was amended and condition 18 added.

·        A further submission had been received from another consultee, the Flood Risk Management Team.  Following the site specific infiltration testing carried out on the 17th September 2020 they confirmed soakaways would not work in this location.  As the applicant had not been able to prove existing connected impermeable areas nor proved its outfall they were unable to support the submitted drainage design. They had however seen enough information for them to seek proper drainage details by way of conditions should planning permission be granted which should be in accordance with our Sustainable Drainage Systems Guidance for Developers. 

In response to those suggestions officers confirmed that the conditions recommended by FRMT were already among those listed in the committee report (conditions 14-16).


The additional comments had been taken into account and the planning balance and the recommendation remained  unchanged from the published report except where outlined above. 


Ms Joanna Gabrilatsou of JLL and planning consultant for the applicant explained that the applicant was the co-founder of Sure Store and had entered into a partnership with the land owner, the Industrial Property Investment Fund.  She outlined the concept for the proposed storage unit and explained that the building itself would meet ‘Very Good’ BREEAM standards, and how this was essentially capped due to the fact that no details were recorded as part of the demolition phase.  This had accounted for 13 per cent of the credits required to ensure the ‘excellent’ BREEAM standard.


After debate, Cllr Crawshaw moved and Cllr Melly seconded, that the application be approved, in accordance with the officer recommendation, with two amended and one new condition.

Cllrs: Crawshaw, Cullwick, Fisher, Melly, Orrell, Perrett, Waudby Webb and Hollyer all voted in favour of this motion.  Cllr: Craghill voted against this motion and the motion was declared carried,  9:1. It was therefore:


Resolved:            That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the following amended and additional conditions:


Amended Condition 4

To Delegate Authority to the Assistant Director for Planning and Public Protection, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair to amend the wording to condition 4 on (BREEAM), to reflect the concern from Members that the applicant must make every possible effort to evidence that they are aiming to achieve the highest possible BREEAM score and standard and that this authority takes this concern very seriously.


Amended Condition 17

Within three months of commencement of development a detailed landscape scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include the species, stock size, density (spacing), and position of trees, shrubs and other plants; and seed mixes, sowing rates and mowing regimes where applicable. It will also include details of ground preparation; tree planting details. The proposed tree planting shall be compatible with existing and proposed utilities. This scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of the practical completion of the development.  Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the substantial completion of the planting and development, that die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species and the retention of the landscaping scheme would remain in perpetuity. unless the Local Planning Authority agrees alternatives in writing.


Reason:               So that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the variety, suitability and disposition of species and other landscape details across the site, since the landscape scheme is integral to the amenity of the development and the immediate area.


New Condition 18

The native hedge to be established along the development boundary shall be maintained at a height of no less than 1.5m.


Reason:               So that the hedge remains a significant landscape feature within views along Clifton Moorgate.





Reason for Approval:


The redevelopment would support the local economy by increasing employment floor space in a sustainable location and in keeping with the character of the area.  The application complies with national planning policy as set out in the NPPF, and relevant policies of the emerging local plan apart from policy CC2 (BREEAM) of the emerging plan.Policy CC2 can be given moderate weight in the council’s consideration of the application.  In the planning balance, non-compliance with this one policy would not justify refusal of planning permission.

Supporting documents:


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