Agenda item

Site Adjacent to Roundabout at Junction of Malton Road/Jockey Lane, Huntington, York (07/00664/REMM)

Reserved matters application for the erection of two storey office building [Huntington/New Earswick Ward].


Members considered a major reserved matters application, submitted by Mr James Downes, for the erection of a two storey office building.


Officers updated that Highways comments on the revised plans had now been received details of which were circulated at the meeting. They confirmed that they had no objections to the car parking and cycle storage subject to the imposition of standard conditions HWAY18 and 19. Officers confirmed that public access to the ATM lobby amounted to 100 sq metres and requested the imposition of an additional condition to limit this.  


Members questioned if there would be 24hr public access to the lobby and the public parking proposals. They questioned whether the ATM’s would be manned and raised concerns regarding possible anti social behaviour. Details of the HSBC signage were requested and Officers confirmed that this would consist of a subtle contrast on etched glass, samples of the contrast would be required and that a condition to reserve this aspect of the scheme for Officers approval. Members also questioned whether this proposal fell within the previously approved development brief for the area, which Officers confirmed it did.


Representations in objection to the proposal were received on behalf of the Helmsley Group, details of which were circulated at the meeting. They challenged the details and assessment of the proposals, particularly the sequential test, which they felt, was out of date and based on a wrong interpretation of guidance in PPS6.


Representations in support of the application were received from the applicant’s agent, who stated that the proposed building was required as a regional headquarters for HSBC. He stated that 20 other sites had been examined in the area but that none had been found suitable. He confirmed that the building would have a floor area of 1085 sq m of which 100 sq m would be for ATM’s including a service area. He confirmed that part of the service charge for the site would include finance for the provision of CCTV and security patrols as the site developed and gave details of their sustainability statement and their willingness to achieve a BREEAM rating of at least “very good”.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the imposition of the conditions listed in the report and the imposition of the following additional conditions and amended conditions:


Amended Condition 6: The developer shall achieve a BREEAM "very good" or "excellent" assessment standard for the development. Within 1 month of the date of the commencement of construction of the development the developer shall submit in writing for the approval of the Local Planning Authority a BREEAM design assessment demonstrating the progress of the BREEAM assessment, the percentage score expected to be achieved and which standard this relates to.



 7            The building shall not be occupied until the areas shown on the approved plans for parking and manoeuvring of vehicles (and cycles, if shown) have been constructed and laid out in accordance with the approved plans, and thereafter such areas shall be retained solely for such purposes.


 8               Access to the building by the public and customers for the purposes of personal banking, shall be limited to be for the use of automated banking services in an area up 100 square metres only. This area shall include the areas for the servicing of those automated banking services.


 9               Large scale details of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development and the works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


The wind turbine


REASON:                  The proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the visual amenity of the area and highway safety. As such the proposals are considered to comply with Policies SP8, GP1, T2, T4, T13, E1A, and GP3 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft and the aims of PPS1, PPG4, PPS6 and PPG13.

Supporting documents:


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