Agenda item

Corporate Management Team (CMT) Restructure

This report presents feedback from the consultation exercise undertaken on options for a revised Corporate Management Team (CMT), and asks Members to consider the options in the light of further analysis and take steps to progress the appointment of a Head of Paid Service who, once appointed, will make recommendations to Council on a proposed structure.


Members considered a report that provided feedback from the consultation exercise and options to consider for a revised Corporate Management Team (CMT), which would ensure efficiencies were made, as agreed in Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee in February 2020.


The Head of HR was in attendance to provide an update and she confirmed that full consultation with Elected Members, key stakeholders, partners across the city and the relevant officers had taken place and the feedback received was noted in Annex A of the report, including the Local Government Associations (LGA) research that was attached at Annex B. Members were informed  that the LGA had provided options for the Committee to consider and that all the options put forward achieved an efficiency saving of at least £81k.


The Head of HR confirmed that by law the Council was required to dedicate a Head of Paid Service to one of its officers but there was no legal requirement to have a Chief Executive, as such. The Head of Paid Service role would also act as Returning Officer for the Council and Members noted the statutory duties, as described in paragraph 13 of the report.


The impact of the current economic climate, the consultation process and the financial parameters were discussed and the following four models were explained:

1.            Head of Paid Service

2.            Chief Operating Officer (COO) 

3.            Traditional Stand-alone Chief Executive

4.            Shared Chief Executive


Members noted that any restructure would be carried out in accordance with the Council’s management of change process and that once a preferred structure was agreed any implications for staff would be identified in line with procedure.  A chief officer appointment sub-committee would also be required as part of the process and Full Council would approve the appointment of a Head of Paid Service.


Members also noted that to achieve a shared Chief Executive structure the authority would be required to engage with local authorities who would be willing to embark on a shared Chief Executive arrangement and it was anticipated that this model would take some time to complete. 


The Head of HR answered Members questions where it was confirmed that timelines would be agreed once a preferred option was adopted and that across all local authorities a variety of models were used.


Members discussed the impact of devolution and considered the recommendations in the report.  Following a detailed discussion around the alternatives, it was:




i)             That the options put forward by the LGA and the analysis completed within the report on the impact within CYC be noted.


ii)            That Option 2, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Model be agreed and progressed as the preferred structure for the Head of Paid Service.  Where that affects the Section 151 role then that should be addressed at the same time.


iii)            That an Appointments Sub-Committee consisting of four Members, (2 Liberal Democrat, 1 Green Party and 1 Labour) be established.


iv)           That the process continued to be completed in line with HR polices, employment legislation and the constitutional requirements.


v)            That subject to HR policy and the outcome of the Chief Officer Appointment Sub-Committee, details of the proposed appointment of a Head of Paid Service be reported to Full Council for approval. 


vi)           That once appointed, the Chief Officer structure for the Council be considered by the Head of Paid Service and reported back to Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee by November 2020.  To include the reporting line of the Director of Public Health and an agreed timeline for implementation.  


Reason: To allow efficiencies to be made across the CMT structure.   


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