Agenda item

Update on the One Year Transport & Place Strategy

The Assistant Director of Regeneration and Asset Management will provide the Committee with a presentation on the One Year Transport & Place Strategy.



Members received a presentation on the One Year Transport & Place Strategy.


The Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment, the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, the Executive Member for Transport, the Assistant Director of Customer and Digital Services, the Corporate Director of Economy and Place and a representative from the York Disability Rights Forum were all in attendance.


The Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment gave a brief update on the economic impact of Covid-19 that focused on:

        Speed of delivery

        Engagement with Business/Traders

        Blue Badge Access (including engagement & dialogue with users)


The Assistant Director confirmed that some of the decisions made by Government required officers to implement schemes rapidly and he explained the 5 key strands that supported public health and the economic recovery. Members noted the challenges faced and that officers worked with organisations and traders to implement the changes required to support the opening of businesses in the safest way.


Given the speed of implementation, the Assistant Director acknowledged that the implementations used had not worked effectively for all areas of the city centre.  The temporary rules implemented and the mitigations put in place were discussed and the temporary community impacts were highlighted, where officers had recognised the need for further engagement with stakeholders, particularly with blue badge holders, on all urgent measures going forward.


The Chair thanked officers for their update and the Committee noted the concerns raised by the York Disability Rights Forum regarding the blue badge parking changes in the city centre. Members were informed that the Forum understood that these were unprecedented times but that the way blue badge parking changes had been implemented and communicated had highlighted issues with the existing structures, policies and procedures.   They emphasised the importance of consultation, of equality impact statements being completed to a high standard and how vital accurate, up to date, comprehensive and accessible information was to ensuring that York was a city that was welcoming and accessible to all.


The Executive Member for Transport confirmed that the Council would work with partners, organisations and residents to continue to find better solutions that worked for everyone and the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning stated that on the 22 September he would be considering the Covid Recovery Skills Strategy and Communication Plan at his Decision Session.


In response to further questions, Officers indicated: 

·        They would ensure the measurements put in place were as flexible as possible to cater for every type of need and they would continue to implement a system that worked for everyone.

·        They wrote to every residential and commercial property within the city centre foot streets and there were some vehicle access exemptions based on the properties within the city centre.

·        That public consultation would be required when installing any permanent measures and then the decision would be determined at a public decision making session.

·        They would enhance and improve the information offered to blue badge holders, particularly online and would consider the language used when sending out any correspondence.

·        The use of public transport was slowly rising and further data could be shared with the Committee. Officers would consider working with bus operators to develop some local incentives to encourage residents to use public transport.


Following a discussion regarding the temporary measures put in place on Bishopthorpe Road the Executive Member for Transport confirmed that the scheme was implemented quickly and that any feedback received would be considered. The Chair agreed to discuss this particular intervention further with the Executive Member, officers and relevant Councillors.


Members and officers welcomed the comments from the public speakers and the York Disability Rights Forum and it was.




(i)      That as a minimum going forward, consideration be given to consulting the York Disability Rights Forum and the Older Citizens Advocacy York on any changes to foot streets and secondary shopping areas in the city;


(ii)     That the free taxi service from Monkgate Car Park be reviewed to ensure it was fit for purpose, in particular to make sure it was easily identifiable, welcoming and accessible to users.


(iii)     That any other equivalent mitigation for lost city centre parking be considered.


(iv)    That the Council’s Communication Team meet with the York Disability Rights Forum to discuss the language used in relation to future communications.


Reason:  To allow the Committee to consider and comment on the One Year Transport & Place Strategy


*Note: The Chair agreed to vary the order of business so that this item could be considered after agenda item 3 Public Participation.


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