Agenda item

Coordinated Admissions Schemes and Admission Arrangements for the 2021-2022 School Year

This report asks the Executive Member to approve the admissions policies / published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools, and the coordinated admissions schemes for the City of York area, for the school year beginning in September 2021.

Note: As there have been no changes to the admissions policies, Annexes AA to X to the above report have not been included within the printed agenda papers, but are available to view with the published agenda on the website.







(i)           That the proposed published admission numbers for all City of York Council schools for the school year beginning in September 2021, as set out in Annex A, be approved.


(ii)         That the coordinated schemes and admissions policies for all City of York Council schools for the 2021-2022 school year, as set out in Annexes B – AB, be approved


Reason: To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.


The Executive Member considered a report that sought approval of the admissions policies and published admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools, schools for whom the City of York Council was the admission authority, for the school year beginning in September 2021.


The report also sought approval of the coordinated admissions schemes for the City of York area, for which the City of York Council was the coordinating Local Authority, for applications to start the school year beginning in September 2021.


The School Admissions Manager was in attendance to present the report and following discussions around the general principles that should be applied when increasing or decreasing the published admission numbers (PAN), the Executive Member noted the admission consultation responses received from all maintained schools, academies and from parents/carers. It was also noted that:

·        Lakeside Primary School were committed to reviewing their PAN should numbers and/or demand increase again in the future.

·        The PAN increase at Archbishop Holgate’s CE School would be accommodated due to the planned expansion, which was due to be completed by September 2021.

·        Huntington Secondary School would monitor and possibly review sixth form admission numbers as the pupil increases moved towards sixth form.

·        Haxby Road Primary School had not requested a reduced PAN.

·        Westfield Primary School’s PAN required further discussion and would not be pursued within the 2021/22 consultation.


The Executive Member thanked the Officer for her update and he noted the coordinated schemes and admissions policies for all City of York Council schools for the 2021-2022 school year, as set out online in Annexes B – AB and he requested that future reports include printed copies of any admission policies that had been altered.








(i)           That the proposed published admission numbers for all City of York Council schools for the school year beginning in September 2021, as set out in Annex A, be approved.


(ii)         That the coordinated schemes and admissions policies for all City of York Council schools for the 2021-2022 school year, as set out in Annexes B – AB, be approved.


(iii)        That only the admission policies that had been altered be printed in the agenda pack.


Reason: To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.

Supporting documents:


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