Agenda item

Smith And Nephew Plc Research Centre, Innovation Way, Heslington, York YO10 5DF [19/02011/FULM]

Change of use of former research centre (Use Class B1) to non-residential institution for academic use (Use Class D1) with associated external works [Hull Road Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application from the University of York for the change of use of a former research centre (Use Class B1) to non-residential institution for academic use (Use Class D1) with associated external works at the Smith and Nephew Plc Research Centre, Innovation Way, Heslington, York.


Members were provided with an officer update. It was reported that following the Committee Site Visit, there had been further discussion about landscaping along the site frontage with Church Lane, resulting in an indicative landscape plan being submitted. Whilst this was indicative, it showed a commitment by the applicant to reduce the amount of trees being removed along the frontage and replacement planting. Therefore it was recommended that there be amendments to conditions 2 and 4 to reflect this. The additional information had been assessed and the planning balance and the recommendation were unchanged from the published report. 


Officers were asked and clarified that:

·        Landscaping could be conditioned for the lifetime of the development.

·        The university would need to be asked about becoming involved in the planting of replacement trees.

·        The use of the BREEAM level of very good was acceptable at the site.

·        The applicant had been looking at connectivity onto the site.

·        Tree T26, a false acacia, was not retained in the application.

·        The car parking proposed was an over provision and would benefit overall parking at the university.

·        The car park on the site was currently gated off and was not in use.


Graham Holbeck and Janet O’Neill, the agents for the applicant spoke in support of the application. They explained the retention and replacement of trees. With regard to BREEAM they explained that BREEAM very good was to be used and that there would be an internal fit out of the building. The location of cycle routes into the site was explained and it was clarified that the car parking outside the building was for general use by the university on campus west. It was noted that the university was revisiting its travel plan.


Members raised a number of questions. Mr Holbeck and Ms O’Neill confirmed that:

·        The university would be willing to enter a dialogue with the council regarding cycle provision.

·        The replacement of trees could be conditioned.

·        Pedestrian and cycle access could be looked at as part of the transport plan.

·        Regarding the change of the use of the building, the history of the occupancy of the building was explained.

·        They could check whether the extractor fans on the building could be removed.

·        The pedestrian and cycle access to the site was explained.


It was then:


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report, additional condition relating to planting and amendments to conditions 2 and 4:


Additional condition

That the planting on the site be retained for perpetuity.


Condition 2 (Plans)

Amended to remove reference to the landscape proposals and tree removal drawings


Condition 4 (Landscaping)

Amended to require a revised landscaping scheme to be submitted for approval as follows:


Notwithstanding the landscape scheme and tree removal drawings submitted with the application, a detailed landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within three months from commencement of the hereby approved use of the building, which shall illustrate those trees within the site to be retained and specify the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs or replacement or additional planting. This scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of approval of the landscaping scheme or within the next planting season (whichever is the sooner). Upon completion of the development, any trees or plants which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in perpetuity in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Note: The landscaping scheme should be based where possible on the indicative Landscape Proposals drawing submitted to the Authority on 15.1.2020, with particular reference to the retained and replacement planting along the Church Lane frontage.


Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the local area.


Reason:     The proposal relates to the re-use by the University of York of an existing B1b research and development building on York Science Park adjacent to University of York Campus West. It has been vacant for around 2 years. The re-use is considered to be acceptable despite the loss of a straight employment use, given that the new occupier is a major employer, that alternative allocation of B1b land is proposed as part of the emerging local plan adjacent to Campus East to meet the City’s needs, that there is limited capacity on the existing campuses and that the building was built for a single user. Whilst established trees would be removed, none are protected, some larger trees are to be retained on the roadside frontage and replacement planting is proposed. The site is sustainably located and accessible, though further details of cycle parking are required. There would be no harm identified to the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

Supporting documents:


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