Agenda item

Nestle South - Revised Draft Development Brief

The Nestle South Draft Development Brief was presented to Members in January 2007, where it was approved for consultation purposes. This report describes the consultation process carried out between February and April 2007, and presents the revised Draft Development Brief for Nestle South.


The Nestlé South Draft Development Brief was presented to Members in January 2007, where it was approved for consultation purposes.  The Draft Brief set out the Council’s aspirations for the redevelopment of the Haxby Road site; highlighted the key planning issues for prospective developers to consider and identified opportunities for adopting sustainable development principles, good design, layout and links to surrounding areas.


Members considered a report which described the consultation process carried out between February and April 2007, and presented the revised Draft Development Brief for Nestlé South (Appendix 2), which had been compiled through a cross Directorate Project Team in response to concerns and suggestions received by various groups, organisations and individuals. The consultation representations received were set out, with Officer responses and recommendations, in Appendix 1 of the report.


Officers updated that the main issues from the consultation were the link road between Haxby Road and Wigginton Road, design, and the 19 key objectives.


Representations were received from Mrs Parker, who is the joint owner of White Cross Villa, 17 Haleys Terrace. She referred to Plan 5c in the report which showed potential transport infrastructure improvements, and the roundabout which as show on the plan appears to cut across her house and garden. She stated that her house is not listed although it was built before the factory.


Officers responded stating that the plans were indicative and not accurate, and that there was no intention at this stage to put the roundabout through the house/garden, and that White Cross Villa would be looked at as part of the conservation area status issues being looked at by English Heritage.  


Members discussed a number of proposed amendments to the development brief.


RESOLVED :         


(i)                 That the revised Draft Development Brief for Nestle South be approved as non-statutory draft supplementary planning guidance to the City of York Development Control Local Plan, subject to the amendments below :


1.   Key Objective KO8 (para 1.18)

takes full account of the Council’s 2007 Housing Market Assessment


2.   Key Objective KO15 (para 1.18)

Makes the site easy to access and travel through by pedestrians, and cyclists, and potentially by public transport users.


3.   Para 2.20 (page 7)

These well used gardens contain three bowling greens, a main amenity area, a small but well equipped children’s play area and parking. These amenities already serve a large population based in Clarence Street, the Groves and Haxby Road areas.


4.   Para 2.25 (page 8)

In addition to the primary road corridors of Haxby Road and Wigginton Road. Tthere are a number…


5.   Para 4.9 (page 15)

Sustainable design and construction techniques are required to be incorporated at the earliest stage of development design (e.g. incorporating methods to use waste heat from the adjacent operating Nestlé factory). Initiatives will apply to both public and private open space and amenity areas, including recycling and drying areas.


6.   Para 5.15 (page 19)

Provided that sufficient new employment space is provided, a significant part of the remaining site may be suitable for residential uses The Nestlé South site has been identified for mixed use development, including residential use. The site is considered suitable for residential uses subject to sufficient new employment provision, amenity issues and with appropriate local facilities, affordable housing and open space provision.


7.   Para 5.16 (page 19)

…provided in partnership with a RSL, subject to overall viability. If the Discount for Sale element of the affordable housing provision is unable to be purchased, then it will revert to affordable rent in the ownership of a Registered Social Landlord.


8.   Para 5.21 (page 20)

Consideration will be given to complimentary and As part of the development and in conjunction with the creation of a new live / work community on the site, ancillary uses such as leisure facilities, entertainment, restaurant / bar, health and medical facilities and other community uses will be encouraged. 


9.   Para 6.5 (page 22)

Whilst iIt is recognised that historic buildings can form the basis of successful regeneration projects, it is acknowledged that the retention of buildings with no statutory protection should not jeopardise the overall viability of the site.


10.Para 6.8 (page 23)

Land to the east side of Haxby Road was acquired to provide improved amenities for the workers. The theatre is a listed building and the former catering block is now in use as a private hospital. Also on the east of Haxby Road is White Cross Villa, a 19th Century house. The west side …


11.Para 6.27 (page 26)

Dwellings should be capable of personalisation. The provision of balconies on new buildings, particularly on any flatted development, will provide outdoor amenity space for residents. Use of brick….


12.Para 6.29 (page 27)

Living boundaries between properties e.g. hedges, are preferred. preferable to railings and fences.


13.Para 6.33 (page 27)

… refer also to paragraphs 7.11 to 7.15). Sustainable lighting should be incorporated where possible, for example solar generation or ‘Dark Sky’ standard lighting.


14.Para 6.34 (page 27)

… domain to ensure their full potential public amenity value and longevity is realised. When considering new planting native species and future climate changes must be taken into account.


15.Para 7.3 (page 29)

Discussions with the Council are encouraged required ….


16.Para 7.7 (page 30)

Provision for older children should must be considered on the site as the first priority


17.Para 7.9 (page 30)

Within residential proposals, youth and adult sports provision may be accepted off site as an exception ….


18.Para 7.10 (page 30)

Discussions to gain public access to the current Nestle pitches to the north of the factory site will be progressed, andDdetailed proposals for youth and adult sports provision should be discussed ….


19.Para 9.4 (page 33)

i) plans showing the site location and the proposed site layout

j) a photographic history will be made of the site and made available for display in the areas community provision.


20.Para 10.9 (page 36)

An evaluation of current bus services, running within 400m of the site, needs to be considered in terms of whether they provide the optimum level and standard of service to facilities such as grocery stores, doctors and employment, which will ….


21.Para 10.12 (page 37

Opportunities exist within the development of this site to restrict car parking within identified areas, and prospective developers are advised to discuss options for car free areas and Home Zone with officers at the earliest opportunity


22.Para 10.14 (page 37)

Early contact with the City’s car club operator and City of York Highway Officers is encouraged required


23.Para 11.12 e) (page 41)

for office development, the focus should must be to provide only operational parking


24.Para 11.12 f) (page 41)

for residential development, parking should must reflect the nature of dwelling unit


25.Para 11.13 (page 42)

Early discussion with Council Officers will be expected required in order to agree measures to prevent …


26.Para 12.1 (page 43)

The inclusive design of access for all, including of provision for disabled people and older people must be carefully considered at an .…


27.Para 12.2 (page 43)

All public spaces and buildings should be fully accessible for all, including to disabled people and older people.


28.Para 13.4 iv) (page 44)

The site should must have good access to public transport links


29.Para 13.4 vi) (page 44)

Buildings should be as energy efficient as possible to reduce domestic emissions - opportunities to use waste heat from the factory site should be looked at as a means of heating potential homes and business. Is it however recognised that this may not be available for the lifetime of the new development and other along with sustainable onsite production of energy should be investigated.


30.Para 13.26 (page 48)

Any prospective developers are advised to have existing buildings that are proposed for conversion to be surveyed for bats and endangered birds by a properly licensed and qualified person.  Any trees to be felled should also be checked for bats and endangered birds.


31.Para 15.18 (page 54)

The required tenure split is 45% affordable rent, 5% discount sale of the total number of homes. This 5% will revert to affordable rent if they are beyond the purchase limits of local residents. Built homes …


32.Plan 5c

Delete ‘potential new bus route through site’



(ii)               That the approved brief be used as a basis for masterplanning and negotiating an appropriate scheme to redevelop the site and for considering future planning applications.



The redevelopment of the site is an opportunity to provide quality accommodation for a range of employment uses that will support the York economy and a Development Brief is considered the most appropriate approach for the Council to set out a clear and consistent vision, with objectives and clear guidance for a new sustainable live / work community.

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