Agenda item

Refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Review of the Health and Wellbeing Board Sub-Structure

Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) will receive a report  which presents the outcomes from a recent priority setting workshop; including discussions about how these priorities might be delivered through the Health and Wellbeing Board’s sub-structure.




Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) received a report which presented the outcomes from a recent priority setting workshop; including discussions about how these priorities might be delivered through the Health and Wellbeing Board’s sub-structure.


Fiona Phillips, Assistant Director, Public Health was in attendance to present the report and to respond to questions.


Recommendation A

In relation to recommendation A of the officer’s report that the board consider confirming the priority on ‘Starting and Growing Well’ which would be confirmed by the Corporate Director for Children, Education and Communities once the feedback from the forthcoming peer review had been received.  During discussion on this aspect it was suggested that the YorOK Board, which reports to this committee, would be the most appropriate group to progress this priority. 

·        Board members agreed that the YorOK Board should be tasked to lead on this outcome as they are currently developing the Children and Young People's Plan which would be ready for March 2020, they have a multi-agency approach and the ‘voice of children and young people’ is captured throughout the Plan.  It should be noted that the YorOK Board previously had a statutory duty to produce a  Children and Young People's Plan, however, this is no longer a statutory requirement. 

·        The YorOK Board would consider what the priority for the starting and growing well theme should be.  This would be considered and amended or endorsed at the HWBB.  This would then be would be confirmed by the Corporate Director for Children, Education.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Recommendation D

In relation to the recommendation of option D, to ask the Human Rights Board to take the lead on delivering against the living and working well priority.  The chair expressed some ambivalence regarding whether this was the right group to lead on delivering against this priority.  The board agreed that they would be asked to take the lead, however, this may require further consideration.

Other suggestions for consideration in relation to this item included:

·     To invite Steven Eames to a future meeting for a discussion on NHS integrated systems and its priorities or potentially set the HWBB priorities and values.

·     Primary Care Home Steering Group to ensure that it is an integral part of the Primary Care Network.




That the Health and Wellbeing Board approved the following options:

(i)           Option A: that for the remainder of the timeframe covered by the current Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy the board would focus on the four priorities set out in paragraph 5 of the officer report with confirmation for the priority around starting and growing well to be confirmed by the Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities once The YorOK Board had considered what the priority for the starting and growing well theme should be and once the HWBB had amended or endorsed the YorOK Board’s proposals.

(ii)         Option D: Disband the HWBB Steering Group but keep the rest of the existing groups as a delivery mechanism for the board’s priorities and additionally ask the Human Rights Board to take the lead on delivering against the living and working well priority.

(iii)        Option E: The chair of the HWBB considered that both the YorOK Board and the  Safeguarding Partnership Board should report to the HWBB. 

(iv)        Option G: Produce a short supplementary document that identifies the national, regional and local system changes and the re-focused priorities of the board.

(v)         Option I: To adopt the values set out at paragraph 15 of the officer’s report, with an amendment to incorporate a board member’s request that it be set out that partners are sharing power and participating equally.


Reason for all options:


To ensure that the Health and Wellbeing Board are focused on fulfilling their statutory responsibilities to produce and deliver a joint health and wellbeing strategy and to ensure that the HWBB functions in an effective and meaningful way retaining robust governance arrangements.

Cllr Cuthbertson left the meeting.


Supporting documents:


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