Agenda item
Audit & Counter Fraud Monitoring Report
This report provides an update on progress made in delivering the internal audit work plan for 2019/20 and on current counter-fraud activity.
Note: the internal audit reports referred to in Annex 1 to the above report are not included in the agenda pack but are available to view with the agenda on the internet.
Members considered a report which provided an update on progress towards delivering the council’s internal audit work plan for 2019/20 and on current counter-fraud activity.
As of 20 November 2019, internal audit had completed 28% of the 2018/19 audit plan, compared to 15% at the same time last year. It was anticipated that the 93% target would be exceeded by the end of April 2020. Audits completed since the last update were detailed in Annex 1 to the report, agreed variations to the audit plan in Annex 2, and the current status of audits in the plan in Annex 3.
Counter fraud work had been undertaken in accordance with the approved plan and was summarised in Annex 4. Up to 31 October, the team had achieved £212k in savings for the council, against a target of £200k. Successful outcomes had been recorded for 65% of investigations completed.
Members queried the lack of detail provided in respect of internal fraud. Officers explained that this was to avoid disclosure of exempt information that might identify individuals. However, fuller information on categories of cases could be provided in future. With reference to the information requested at the last meeting (Minute 24 refers), officers advised that the Health & Safety team had confirmed that all the outstanding actions were on course to be completed in time.
Resolved: That the progress made in delivering the 2019/20 internal audit work programme, and on current counter-fraud activity, be noted.
Reason: To confirm that Members have had the opportunity to consider the implications of audit and fraud findings.
Supporting documents:
- Monitor December 2019, item 37. PDF 174 KB
- Monitor December 2019 Annex 1 (Audit), item 37. PDF 207 KB
- Data Quality internal audit report, item 37. PDF 317 KB
- Housing Fraud internal audit report, item 37. PDF 352 KB
- Information Security Checks internal audit report, item 37. PDF 386 KB
- Monitor December 2019 Annex 2 (Variations), item 37. PDF 27 KB
- Monitor December 2019 Annex 3 (Progress vs Plan), item 37. PDF 94 KB
- Monitor December 2019 Annex 4 (Fraud), item 37. PDF 344 KB