Agenda item

Report of Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations and Questions

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader, to ask questions on the work of the Executive and to consider the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:
























18 July 2019




29 August 2019




26 September 2019






24 October 2019



Minute 22: Children in Care Residential Commissioning Plan


Minute 36: Capital Programme - Monitor 1 2019/20


Minute 49: Reducing York’s Carbon Footprint with Electric Vehicles


Minute 50 – York Outer Ring Road Improvements Update


Minute 61 – The Council Plan 2019-23

(to follow)



A – Executive Leader’s Report


A written report was received from the Executive Leader, Cllr Aspden, on the work of the Executive.


Prior to the responses from Opposition Group Leaders, it was moved by Cllr Rowley, and seconded by Cllr Warters, that Standing Order 16.2 be suspended to allow Cllr Rowley to respond to the Leader’s report in the absence of Cllr Doughty.  On being put to the vote, this motion was declared LOST.


Members were then invited to question the Leader on his report.  Questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed:


York Central

·        Question from Cllr Rowley on when businesses were expected to move on site.

·        Supplementary from Cllr Crawshaw on risk to the council in keeping the project moving forward.

·        Supplementary from Cllr Perrett on priorities should the Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) bid not be successful.


The Leader responded, stating that matters would progress once the government released HIF funding for the infrastructure, the site risk was currently at its lowest level for 40 years and he would be happy to have further discussions with Opposition groups on the issues raised.


York Outer Ring Road (ORR)

·        Question from Cllr Warters on whether dualling the ORR would facilitate over-development in the area.

·        Supplementary from Cllr Warters on whether the Leader supported reducing the housing allocation in the Local Plan.

·        Supplementary from Cllr Webb on whether the Deputy Leader had been involved in lobbying on the ORR.


The Leader responded, stating that dualling was needed to create space on the ORR, that sustainable transport must also be considered and that the Local Plan had been submitted and would be tested on examination.  The final question should be addressed to the Deputy Leader.


B – Executive Recommendations


Children in Care Residential Commissioning Plan


Cllr Aspden moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained Minute 22 of the Executive meeting held on 18 July 2019:


Recommended:  That Council allocate a capital budget of £1.36m, funded from prudential borrowing, to purchase 3 new buildings for the delivery of residential provision in York, with the revenue costs of the borrowing to be met from existing revenue budgets within Children’s Services.


Reason:               In order to develop the city’s residential provision for children in care and ensure that the council meets its statutory sufficiency duty.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved: That the above recommendation, relating to the CIC Commissioning Plan, be approved.1


Capital Programme Monitor


Cllr Aspden then moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 36 of the Executive meeting held on 29 August 2019:


Recommended:  That Council approve the adjustments resulting in a decrease of £65.816m in the 2019/20 budget, as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A.


Reason:              To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved: That the above recommendation, relating to the Capital Programme, be approved.2


Reducing York’s Carbon Footprint with Electric Vehicles


Cllr Aspden then moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 49 of Executive meeting held on 26 September 2019:


Recommended:  That Council approve an increase in the budget of £700k, including £400k additional prudential borrowing, to fund the increased cost of the Hyper hubs project.


Reason:              To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved: That the above recommendation, relating to Electric Vehicles, be approved.3


York Outer Ring Road Improvements


Cllr Aspden then moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 50 of Executive meeting held on 26 September 2019:


Recommended:  That Council approve a budget of £7m for the ‘enhanced option’ upgrading of the Clifton Moor junction, to be funded from £2m West Yorkshire Transport Fund contribution and £5m prudential borrowing, the revenue costs of which will be incorporated in the 2020/21 Revenue Budget.


A named vote was then requested and taken on the recommendation, with the following result:





Cllr Aspden

Cllr Warters


Cllr Ayre



Cllr Baker



Cllr Barker



Cllr Barnes



Cllr Carr



Cllr Craghill



Cllr Crawshaw



Cllr Cullwick


Cllr Cuthbertson


Cllr D’Agorne


Cllr Daubney


Cllr Douglas



Cllr Fenton


Cllr Fisher


Cllr Fitzpatrick


Cllr Galvin


Cllr Heaton


Cllr Hollyer


Cllr Hook


Cllr Hunter


Cllr Kilbane


Cllr Lomas



Cllr Mason



Cllr Melly



Cllr Musson



Cllr Myers



Cllr Norman



Cllr Orrell



Cllr Pavlovic



Cllr Pearson



Cllr Perrett



Cllr Rowley



Cllr Runciman


Cllr Smalley



Cllr D Taylor



Cllr K Taylor



Cllr Vassie



Cllr Waller



Cllr Wann



Cllr Webb



Cllr Wells



Cllr Widdowson







The recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation, relating to the Outer Ring Road, be approved.4


The Council Plan 2019-23


Cllr Aspden moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 61 of Executive meeting held on 24 October 2019:


Recommended:  That Council approve the draft Council Plan 2019-23 attached as Annex A to the [Executive] report.


Reason:              To progress the development of the Council Plan for the next four years.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved: That the above recommendation, relating to the Council Plan, be approved.5


Supporting documents:


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