Agenda item
Annual Report of the York Mental Health Partnership 2018/19
Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board will receive the first annual report of York’s Mental Health Partnership covering the period May 2018 to August 2019. This will be presented by the Independent chair of the partnership.
The Independent Chair of York’s Mental Health Partnership presented the findings of the first annual report of York’s Mental Health Partnership covering the period May 2018 to August 2019. The report provided the Board oversight of the work of the Mental Health Partnership and assurance in relation to strategy delivery. It set out the progress that the partnership had made against its identified priorities and delivery against the All Age Mental Health Strategy 2018-23 and the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-22.
The Independent Chair of York’s Mental Health Partnership, shared a short film with the Board on the Connecting Our City Conference held at York St John (YSJ) University in April 2019.
He explained that the purpose of that day had been to launch a programme of work for the next five to ten years that that would aim to transform the way that York supports mental health and wellbeing. He emphasised how this objective is everybody’s business. This conference was able to initiate the change programme, bring people together, to energise and motivate all to gain a better understanding of mental health.
Matters arising from discussion on the above included:
(i) Discussion on the Suicidal Prevention Conference held on 10 September 2019 and the transformative work this initiative were achieving through sharing and informing.
(ii) The high numbers experiencing mental health issues in York which are not in line with the rest of the UK and the need to understand this better.
(iii) North Yorkshire Police representative spoke about the significant demands on the Police service as a result of mental health concerns and how Police Officers experience mental health concerns in relation to the nature of their work. He considered this work to be of great benefit and expressed his endorsement and support. The chair of the Mental Health Partnership responded that there was a need for early intervention particularly around low level crimes or cannabis use and that he would welcome a response to this challenge.
(iv) In relation to the above point a Council Member considered that there had been a lot of work and initiatives undertaken in relation to this area but that, unfortunately, a lot of that had fallen by the wayside due to lack of funding, however, they were put in place in the first place because a need had been identified and because they worked.
(v) Board Members discussed how services that improve mental health are not always ‘mental health’ services, a point which had been made in the film. Board Members considered that it is often the arts and community services such as the work at Tang Hall SMART Community Interest Company and at York Saint John University which contribute so much to the wellbeing of those with mental health concerns and their families. Board Members discussed the need to link and sign post patients to these services so that they continue to provide benefit.
In response to a question regarding the preventative agenda for under four year olds, Dr Nigel Wells considered that the preventative agenda should start at pre-birth, involving a whole system of integration.
The Independent Chair of York’s Mental Health Partnership talked about the need for a culture change in this City which looks at the rights of every individual, not just the rights of those that can access services.
The Chair reiterated that mental health is the top priority of this Board and it will continue to be so and invited The Independent Chair of York’s Mental Health Partnership to speak at this Board in future about the progress of the ‘Corridor’ initiative when it is further developed.
Resolved: That the Health and Wellbeing Board considered
the Annual Report of the York Mental Health Partnership 2018/19 and look forward to receiving a progress report on the Corridor initiative in due course.
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