Agenda item

York Outer Ring Road Improvements Update

The Corporate Director of Economy and Place to present a report that sets out a number of options for the York Outer Ring Road Improvements.


Resolved:  (i)      That the potential grant award of around £26m from the Department for Transport (DfT) for upgrading the A1237 (Phase 1 Dualling: Rawcliffe to Hopgrove), and the need to co-ordinate planning and design work on the current junction upgrade programme, be noted.


Reason:     To confirm that the Executive is aware of the potential impacts of co-ordinating design and construction on the YORR programme.


                   (ii)      That the inclusion in Transport for the North’s Regional Evidence Base submission to the DfT of a scheme to dual the A1237 from A19 Rawcliffe to B1223 Wetherby Road (Phase 2 Dualling: Rawcliffe to Wetherby Road) be noted.


Reason:     To confirm that the Executive has been informed about the current status of proposals for dualling sections of the A1237 York Outer Ring Road (YORR).


                   (iii)     That officers be instructed to investigate options for the introduction of further measures across the city to lock in the sustainable transport and environmental benefits that could result from the increased capacity provided by dualling the A1237.


Reason:     To ensure that the potential for significant sustainable transport and environment benefits resulting from the dualling of the YORR are investigated further, with options presented to Members for future decision.


                   (iv)    That, subject to Council approval of the recommended budget (Minute 51 refers), approval be given to procure a contractor to undertake the civil engineering and associated construction works and authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and Environment, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal & Governance or his / her delegated officers, to take such steps as are necessary to award and enter into the resulting contract, with the final layout being subject to the approval of the Executive Member for Transport following consideration of a report reviewing the landscaping, drainage and highway integration for east-west cyclingand walking routes and options for the Hurricaine Way B&Q junction.


Reason:     To enable the procurement process for a contractor to be undertaken and the resulting contract awarded.


(v)     That officers be requested to identify opportunities to reduce the City of York Council’s contribution through external funding (HIF, developer contributions etc.) which, if successful, will reduce overall CYC borrowing.


Reason:     To reduce the council’s overall financial contribution.


                   (vi)    That approval be given in principle to pursue a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) using powers contained in Part XII of the Highways Act 19802 to acquire the land edged red on the plan attached as Annex C to the report, which is required to deliver the Monks Cross Junction improvements.


Reason:     To enable Executive to consider a report in December seeking authority to make the Order, should continuing negotiations to acquire the land not be successful.


                   (vii)    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment to take all steps necessary to prepare for the CPO referred to in resolution (vi) above, this delegatin to include:

·        negotiation of easements and temporary rights where freehold ownership is not required, e.g. for drainage purposes or temporary occupation for construction works, and

·        obtaining the release / extinguishment or variation of any third party rights over affected land (for example, a third party may have a right of way over land which needs to be acquired.


Reason:     To ensure that, in the event of a final resolution to make the Order, the council is in a position to make it as soon as is practicable.


(viii)   That the delegated authority of the Assistant Director of Transport, Highways & Environment to purchase land by private agreement / private treaty be extended from £200k to £250k in any one land interest.


Reason:     To enable the Assistant Director to negotiate the acquisition of land by private agreement / private treaty in an efficient and timely manner to support the planning, development and delivery of the YORR Improvement scheme.




[See also under Part B]


The Assistant Director of Transport, Highways & Improvement presented a report which sought decisions in respect of funding and land acquisition to deliver improvements at the A1237/Clifton Moor roundabout and Monks Cross Junction, as part of the York Outer Ring Road (YORR) improvement scheme.


Progress had been made in a number of areas, as listed in paragraph 12 of the report.  However, since Executive approval of the approach to the scheme on 13 July 2017 (Minute 21 of that meeting refers), a number of changing conditions and challenges had arisen.  As a result, a slightly different approach was required, to align land acquisition more effectively and co-ordinate funding approaches with planning decisions or seek alternative funding.  The issues were discussed in the body of the report and involved the options for the design of the Clifton Moor Junction (paragraphs 23-26) and the need to seek in-principle authority for the making of Compulsory Purchase Orders to acquire land for the scheme (paragraphs 27-42).


The current estimated cost of the Clifton Moor roundabout upgrade scheme was £7m, funded by a bid for a Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) grant of £5m and a West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund (WY+TF) grant of £2m.  If external funding was not available in advance, it was proposed that the council fund the additional cost through borrowing of up to £5m.


Resolved:  (i)      That the potential grant award of around £26m from the Department for Transport (DfT) for upgrading the A1237 (Phase 1 Dualling: Rawcliffe to Hopgrove), and the need to co-ordinate planning and design work on the current junction upgrade programme, be noted.


Reason:     To confirm that the Executive is aware of the potential impacts of co-ordinating design and construction on the YORR programme.


                   (ii)      That the inclusion in Transport for the North’s Regional Evidence Base submission to the DfT of a scheme to dual the A1237 from A19 Rawcliffe to B1223 Wetherby Road (Phase 2 Dualling: Rawcliffe to Wetherby Road) be noted.


Reason:     To confirm that the Executive has been informed about the current status of proposals for dualling sections of the A1237 York Outer Ring Road (YORR).


                   (iii)     That officers be instructed to investigate options for the introduction of further measures across the city to lock in the sustainable transport and environmental benefits that could result from the increased capacity provided by dualling the A1237.


Reason:     To ensure that the potential for significant sustainable transport and environment benefits resulting from the dualling of the YORR are investigated further, with options presented to Members for future decision.


                   (iv)    That, subject to Council approval of the recommended budget (Minute 51 refers), approval be given to procure a contractor to undertake the civil engineering and associated construction works and authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and Environment, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal & Governance or his / her delegated officers, to take such steps as are necessary to award and enter into the resulting contract, with the final layout being subject to the approval of the Executive Member for Transport following consideration of a report reviewing the landscaping, drainage and highway integration for east-west cyclingand walking routes and options for the Hurricaine Way B&Q junction.


Reason:     To enable the procurement process for a contractor to be undertaken and the resulting contract awarded.


(v)     That officers be requested to identify opportunities to reduce the City of York Council’s contribution through external funding (HIF, developer contributions etc.) which, if successful, will reduce overall CYC borrowing.


Reason:     To reduce the council’s overall financial contribution.


                   (vi)    That approval be given in principle to pursue a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) using powers contained in Part XII of the Highways Act 19802 to acquire the land edged red on the plan attached as Annex C to the report, which is required to deliver the Monks Cross Junction improvements.


Reason:     To enable Executive to consider a report in December seeking authority to make the Order, should continuing negotiations to acquire the land not be successful.


                   (vii)    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment to take all steps necessary to prepare for the CPO referred to in resolution (vi) above, this delegatin to include:

·        negotiation of easements and temporary rights where freehold ownership is not required, e.g. for drainage purposes or temporary occupation for construction works, and

·        obtaining the release / extinguishment or variation of any third party rights over affected land (for example, a third party may have a right of way over land which needs to be acquired.


Reason:     To ensure that, in the event of a final resolution to make the Order, the council is in a position to make it as soon as is practicable.


(viii)   That the delegated authority of the Assistant Director of Transport, Highways & Environment to purchase land by private agreement / private treaty be extended from £200k to £250k in any one land interest.


Reason:     To enable the Assistant Director to negotiate the acquisition of land by private agreement / private treaty in an efficient and timely manner to support the planning, development and delivery of the YORR Improvement scheme.



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