Agenda item

Monitor 2 2019/20 - Key Corporate Risks

The purpose of this paper is to present Audit & Governance Committee (A&G) with an update on the key corporate risks (KCRs) for City of York Council (CYC). 


Under item 6 on this agenda (Key Corporate Risks), a new corporate risk relating to Brexit and the implications for Council services is referred to (pages 44 and 49 refer).  Since publication of the agenda, a further information report relating to Brexit has become available and will be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 26 September 2019.  For the further information of Audit & Governance Committee, that report has been added as a supplement to this agenda and becomes Annex F to agenda item 6 (Key Corporate Risks), notice of which has already been given in accordance with statutory timescales.



Members considered the second monitoring report, updating the key corporate risks (KCRs) identified in the Council’s risk register for 2019/20, as set out at Annex A of the report.  The report included a detailed analysis of KCR7 (Capital Programme) at Annex B.


The Chair referred, in particular, to the information provided specifically on the risks potentially associated with the York Central Project at Annex D of the report and with Brexit at KCR 13 (Annex A).  He referred Members specifically to the update report on Brexit implications to be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 26 September 2019, which had been added to the published agenda for this meeting as Annex F to this report.


In turn, the Chair invited the Director of Economy & Place and Officers to give any updates to information in their report relating to York Central and then Brexit and to respond to Members’ questions accordingly.


In relation to York Central, Members sought clarity upon the governance arrangements to manage and report risks associated with the delivery phase of the project.  The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Asset Management) outlined the strands in place to manage those risks in some detail, ranging from the structure to the methodology, product assurance (through internal gateway reviews) and to functional transparency and scrutiny (reports to the Executive).  The Delivery Co-ordination Board being central to that process.  In relation to any potential delays in the project, she advised that details of proposed mitigations for such risks were set out in the report to the Executive in July 2019.


The Chair then invited Officers to give any update in relation to the information provided on KCR 13 (Brexit).  Officers explained their role within the Council, in acting as a conduit for information on Brexit, adding that service areas had been identifying relevant risks, if any, on a regular basis.  Members expressed some concern that the information provided did not address the impact of a potential no-deal Brexit on the cost of essentials (like food).  Nor did it cross-reference to other risks, such as KCR 12 (major incidents) in the potential eventuality of a no-deal Brexit leading to any such incidents. Officers undertook to update the Executive at its meeting on 26 September 2019 on the points made by this Committee on Brexit.


Finally, the Chair sought comments on KCR 7 (Capital Programme) and it was suggested that a report back on the ‘Veritau’ perspective of corporate project management, in due course, would be helpful.




                             i.        That the key corporate risks identified at Annex A of the report be noted, together with the detailed risk analysis on capital projects at Annex B with a further update to a future meeting specifically on the corporate management of major capital projects;

                            ii.        That the information provided specifically in relation to the York Central Project at Annex D of the report be noted;

                          iii.        That the information provided on KCR13 (Brexit) at Annex A be revised to address the potential impact of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit on the cost of essentials as set out above;

                          iv.        That the publication of the Older Person’s Accommodation Gateway Review Briefing set out at Annex E, be noted;

                           v.        That the 2019/20 Monitor 3 report will include a detailed analysis of KCR8 Local Plan be noted.



Reason: To provide assurance that the authority is effectively understanding and managing its key risks.

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