Agenda item

Annual Report of the Executive Director of York Business Improvement District (BID)

This report updates Members on the activities of York Business Improvement District 2018-19 and outlines the BID priorities for the year ahead.


The Executive Director of York BID was in attendance to present the York BID Annual Report. He gave an update on the work carried out by the BID over the previous year and future projects. He noted a number of points:


·        With regard to appearance and environment the BID was doing well with street cleansing and there was a rapid response team for street cleaning.


·        The BID was about to implement a signage and wayfinding scheme.


·        There had been a number of projects on the public realm, for example the removal of the redundant fountain and toilet block on Parliament Street.


·        There was a successful Street Ranger scheme which involved a two weekly partner meeting with the police.


·        The BID provided support to businesses, for example support for Indie York and help for businesses. This included a business cost saving plan that provided savings across pest control and utility bills.


·        The BID has been working with First buses in providing more evening services to support the evening economy.


·        With reference to events and festivals, the BID worked closely with Make it York (MiY) to make interventions on a strategic level for example putting funding into the Fossgate Festival, Ice Trail and Soapbox Challenge.


·        Key projects for the forthcoming year included wayfinding, the introduction of the York gift card and the use of better technology in car parks.


The Executive Director was thanked for his update and in answer to Member questions he explained that:


·        With regard to retail units in the city centre, many of the buildings were owned by pension and investment companies. There was a change in the market and the prices for big units were coming down. He would like to see an investment plan to look at whether an area like Coney Street could be broken down into smaller units, and the use of upper floor space.


·        Approximately £50,000 could not be carried forward to the new financial year and there was a need to ensure that funds would be spent in partnership with businesses.


·        The next BID renewal ballot was in 2020 and there was a strategy regarding how this would be discussed with the BID Board. He would like to develop a business plan that meets the needs of businesses. The BID had tried to deliver tangible outcomes.


·        The BID did not work directly with market traders and was accountable to its levy payers. The BID tried to listen to all business and help where it could.


·        With regard to food waste the BID had entered into a partnership with a recycling company.


·        The BID would be supportive of a contribution to the cost of a water fountain in the city centre to reduce plastic waste.


·        The BID was looking to increase diversity on its Board and two women would be joining the Board.


The Executive Director was thanked for attending the meeting. The Corporate Director of Economy and Place clarified that there would be no compulsory purchase orders for properties on Coney Street.


Resolved:  That Members receive the Annual Report of the Executive Director of York Business Improvement District (BID)


Reason:    In order to be updated on the work of the York BID.

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