Agenda item
Key Corporate Risks Monitor
The purpose of this paper is to present the Committee with an update on the key corporate risks for the Council. This includes a detailed analysis of KCR6 (Health and Wellbeing).
Members considered a report which provided them with an update on the Key Corporate Risks for the Council. This included a detailed analysis of KCR 6 (Health and Wellbeing). The Director of Public Health and Principal Accountant attended the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions.
In response to Member questions they stated:
· The rating on Brexit had not changed since the last report and this would be taken back for discussion. Reports on this had been taken to Executive and some services had set out the implications of a ‘no deal’. However, the full impact was hard to plan for;
· In relation to the One Planet York App breach, the matter had been reviewed by the ICO who did not find against CYC and information on this would be circulated to Members. There were also regular reports to this Committee on Information Governance more generally;
· The Resilient Communities Group was the responsibility of the Director of Children, Education & Communities. Officers would send out the make up of the Committee to Members following the meeting;
· CSMC were looking at the issue of Sickness and Attendance Management and HR were reporting back to their next meeting;
· Equality Impact Assessments were undertaken by CYC and were published on the website. Officers would provide details to Members;
· Data provided by Health Providers to Public Health was received in a number of ways. There was public data, which usually had a time lag, but the team also had access to more real time information which was not publicly available. This meant they were alerted to any immediate issues. There were also annual reports to Health Scrutiny and the Health & Wellbeing Board;
· Public Health Emergency Planning was now linked up with the CYC Emergency Planning Team and a lot of partnership working. The Emergency Planning Lead was now a Member of the Public Health Committee and Public Health contributed to the Major Incident Plan;
· The Local Health Resilience Partnerships across Yorkshire shared information and planning. Action Cards used in the event of an outbreak were area specific;
· An agreement had been made with Community Pharmacies to work with Public Health to run a campaign on immunisation. They were also targeting areas with poor vaccination take up;
· An Internal Audit and a Peer Review had recently looked at Public Health planning. They would both inform an improvement plan and A&G could receive a future update against this plan; and
· There was anecdotal information which suggested that the lack of flexibility of GP surgery hours may be having an impact on the take up of cervical screening. Public Health were trying to use relationships to address this;
Members also raised the following issues:
· They had not yet received the Health and Safety Training Update they requested at the previous meeting;
· They felt more planning on a no deal Brexit should have taken place at this point;
· Equality Impact Assessments were now known as Equality Analysis; and
· A comment on the issues on Cervical Screening could be included under controls.
Resolved: That Members:
1. Provide comment on the key corporate risks included at Annex A;
2. Provide comment on the information provided in relation to KCR6 Health and Wellbeing included at Annex B; and
3. note that the 2019/20 Monitor 2 report will include a detailed analysis of KCR7 Capital Programme
Reason: To provide assurance that the authority is effectively understanding and managing its key risks
Supporting documents:
- M1 2019-20 Risk and Project Monitor A&G 19 Jun 2019, item 4. PDF 138 KB
- Annex A 2019-20 M1 KCR Summary, item 4. PDF 227 KB
- Annex B KCR 6 M1 2019-20, item 4. PDF 154 KB
- Annex C - Risk Matrix, item 4. PDF 99 KB