Agenda item

York St John University, Lord Mayors Walk, York [18/02819/FULM]

Demolition of 3 student accommodation blocks and erection of a new three storey teaching block, auditorium and covered atrium with associated landscaping [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application from Richard Hirst for the demolition of three student accommodation blocks and erection of a new three storey teaching block, auditorium and covered atrium with associated landscaping.


An officer update was given. It was reported that at the Committee site visit, Members queried the loss of the memorial Birch tree located within the green open space to the front of the existing accommodation buildings. Following this the Applicant confirmed that as part of the proposals this tree would be removed and the reasons for this were detailed. Officers had considered and assessed the position of the tree officer’s considered that there was possibility of retaining the tree without affecting the overall quality of the development and suggested that if Members felt the tree to be worthy of retention an additional condition could be imposed. Members were informed that the additional information had been assessed and the planning balance and recommendation remained unchanged from the published report. 


Rob Hickey (York St John University) was in attendance to answer questions. He was asked and confirmed that they did not want to use Garden Street for access. He was asked and detailed the number of trees to be removed and replanted and he confirmed that the memorial Birch tree could be retained.


Cllr D Craghill (Ward Councillor) spoke on the application. She welcomed the planning application which included community use of the buildings and sustainable features. She raised concern about the building line on Garden Street and requested that it be put back and that the street not be used for access. She noted residents concern regarding noise and asked for a condition regarding the soundproofing the music practice rooms. She also requested that the memorial Birch tree be retained.


Concerning the points made by Cllr Craghill, Officers clarified that the control of noise was covered by the Control of Pollution Act 1974 which was why there was an informative on amplified music, which was deemed to be reasonable by Members. Should Members be minded, they could impose a condition on the details of soundproofing.


In response to questions raised concerning the building line, it was clarified that the alterations to the rear elevation (including the building line) were covered under delegated authority.


Resolved: That Delegated Authority be given to the Assistant Director responsible for Planning and Public Protection to:


1.      agree and accept such amended plans for the Garden Street elevation and frontage as the Assistant Director responsible for Planning and Public Protection considers reasonably necessary and thereafter to approve the application as amended and grant conditional planning permission;


2.      finalise the additional conditions and informative below, and recommended conditions as set out in the report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Assistant Director responsible for Planning and Public Protection considers reasonably necessary.


Additional conditions

1.   CEMP informative including hours of work to become a  condition

2.   Restriction to preclude use of Garden Street

3.   Memorial Birch tree to be retained

4.   Details of soundproofing

5.   Condition 4 for the lifetime of the development                        



                        i.      This application relates to the demolition of three existing student accommodation blocks with a creative centre which would provide teaching and breakout space, along with a multi-function auditorium.  The applicant has demonstrated that they have secured dedicated student accommodation, within the vicinity of the campus, to off-set the loss of student accommodation.


                       ii.      There are concerns that the proposed development, predominately the Garden Street elevation does not appropriately address the visual amenity of the street and take the opportunities to improve the overall visual quality of the area.  Officers consider that further discussions relating to this elevational treatment and relationship to the Garden Street and overall landscaping impacts can address these concerns and the applicant has agreed to address this issue.


                      iii.      Notwithstanding the above, the overall quality of the proposal, including impacts upon neighbouring residential amenity, ecology, heritage, sustainability and highways are satisfied and the proposal represent an acceptable form of development in this regards.

Supporting documents:


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