Agenda item
Report from the Place Based Improvement Partnership
The following provides an update to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) on progress of the PBIP.
The Board received an update from the Chief Executive of City of York Council on the progress of the York Health and Care Place Based Improvement Partnership (PBIP) which she chaired.
The Chief Executive clarified the nature of the PBIP’s make up saying that it consisted of chief officers from City of York Council (CYC), NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV), York CVS, North Yorkshire Police and national partners. The Chief Executive highlighted that the purpose of the PBIP was to:
- Be the system wide strategic lead for York’s Health and Wellbeing
- To unlock issues and help remove any barriers in improvement
- Focus on activities relating to system wide transformation
The Chief Executive gave an overview of the report and of the last meeting of the PBIP.
Lisa Winward, Chief Constable for North Yorkshire Police, stated that PBIP had made progress and commented on the positive outcomes of PBIP members attending the Health and Wellbeing Board workshop to share and discuss joint strategies for the City.
Phil Mettam, Vale of York CCG, commented that particularly for organisations that have a wider footprint than the City of York, it is often difficult to focus on the City and that the PBIP was challenging organisations to think and organise themselves differently.
Sharon Stoltz (Director of Public Health) ,on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board Steering Group, commented that this progress was welcomed by the Steering Group and that an update on how this work would be taken forward would be presented at the next meeting.
Following a question from Cllr Craghill relating to the sale of Bootham Park, The Chief Executive stated that a joint communication had been given by CYC, the CCG and TEWV, thanking everyone for contributions to the business plan and highlighting that whilst the sale would proceed, CYC and its partners were ready and willing to work with the preferred bidder through the one public estate programme. The Chief Executive also stated that all partner organisations agreed that they were not in a position to bid for the land in a joint public sector venture.
Cllr Cannon stated her request that the minutes and agendas of the PBIP be accessible to the public as it was important that everybody had the information. The Chief Executive responded to this by stating that the PBIP didn’t have minutes and that members of the PBIP had agreed to have the conversations privately in their meetings in order to allow for open and honest discussion of the challenges they face. Cllr Cannon stated that she felt there had been a move within the authority towards less transparency and that this was not a healthy precedent to set.
Cllr Cannon asked for more information on staff resourcing in domiciliary care and in the absence of Mike Proctor, the Chair asked that a briefing be circulated outside of the meeting.
In response to further questions, Phil Mettam made the following comments on the ‘footprint’ of the Humber, Coast and Vale Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP).
- That the Humber, Coast and Vale was a construct developed nationally and we currently have no control over it.
- The NHS had given no indication that this will change in the short term in its 10 year plan.
- That the CCG and partners have begun working with a focus on York and North Yorkshire and informing the STP about this.
The Chief Executive clarified the meaning of paragraph 9 in the report, stating that it was in reference to each organisation having its own workforce development plan and succession plan. The Chief Executive highlighted that the intention was to try and bring these plans together to create a York wide approach in this area.
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