Agenda item

Audit & Counter Fraud Monitoring Report

This report provides an update on progress made in delivering the internal audit workplan for 2018/19 and on current counter fraud activity.



Members considered a report providing an update on progress made in delivering the internal audit work plan for 2018/19 and on current counter fraud activity.


The Head of Internal Audit attended the meeting to present the report. He highlighted that they were on track to complete the audit plan.


In response to Member questions he stated that:


·        In relation to the Adult Education audit, this could be passed to the relevant scrutiny committee to consider if the Committee felt this was appropriate;

·        CMT had been made aware of the issues on Information Security Checks and work was being undertaken to complete recommended actions;

·        Completed audits with March completion dates would still be circulate by email when finalised, but they would take advice on the procedure during purdah;

·        Fieldwork meant that all work was done and the report was being drafted, this was further on than ‘in progress’;

·        In relation to Counter Fraud the savings discussed on page 87 of the agenda were actual monetary savings back to the Council.



1.   That the report on Audit and Counter Fraud activity be noted; and

2.   That the Adult Education audit report be passed to the relevant scrutiny committee for consideration.


Reason:     To enable members to consider the implications of audit and fraud findings.




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