Agenda item

St Benedict Court St Benedict Road York (07/00436/FUL)

Erection of 8no. two and three storey town houses and associated works. [Micklegate Ward]


Members considered a full application submitted by Moorside Developments Ltd for the erection of 8 two and three storey town houses and associated works.


Officers updated that they had received a response from the planning panel stating that the loss of the Working Men’s Club was regrettable; it also suggested that the development could be more eco-friendly. A letter had also been received from the local resident’s association asking that road safety signs be erected once building works start. They also said that the applicant should be required to make financial contributions towards open spaces.


The Officer had also received a telephone call from Councillor Merrett who had suggested that the sub-committee should refuse the development due to the loss of the Working Men’s Club. St Clement’s Church Hall was not available as a community centre and there had been no changes to the application since it was last submitted and refused. He said that if the sub-committee were minded to approve the application then the applicant should make commuted sum payments under Policy C6.


Representations were received on behalf of the Nunnery Area Residents’ Association in objection to the application. The representative stated that the Working Men’s Club had been a well used facility and its loss was regrettable as it was used as a meeting venue within the community.  He also said that there were some concerns surrounding access to the site.


Representations were also received from the applicant’s agent who circulated part of a committee report from 2002 regarding Layerthorpe Working Men’s Club and said that this had been a precedent case and if it was right to approve the scheme for Layerthorpe then it was right to approve for St Benedict Court. He also stated that the proposed development would provide desperately needed family housing.


Members asked the representative of the Residents’ Association if they currently had a room suitable for meetings and he clarified that a room was available at Barstow House for smaller meetings but there was not any larger facility nearer than the Clementhorpe Community Centre.


Members agreed that the development of 8 family Terrace Houses was a good use for the site and would be very advantageous for the area. Many Members agreed that it was a sign of the times that some forms of clubs were disappearing from communities. Members raised concerns that each property had only one parking space and there was already a very serious problem in the area with parking. These were three and four bedroom houses and they queried whether one parking space per unit would be enough, there were also concerns regarding the sustainability of the development.  Members generally liked the design of the application and said that the loss of community facilities was only a short time problem as eventually St Clement’s Hall would be reopened and would be made available for community use.


RESOLVED:          That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the following additional conditions.


(i)                 Prior to commencement of the development details of security lighting to be installed to the rear of the development, and thereafter maintained, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the security of the residents of the development.


REASON:               The proposal, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the additional conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the loss of the community facility, amenity, design and highway safety. As such the proposal complies with Policy H6 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan (Alteration No.3 Adopted 1995) and Policies GP1, GP4a, H4a, H5a, c3, I1c and ED4 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

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