Agenda item

Clifton Garage, 82-84 Clifton, York (06/02809/FULM)

Erection of 2 no. three storey blocks of 14 no. flats and 1 no. retail unit and associated car parking (resubmission). [Clifton Ward]


Members considered a major full planning application, submitted by Mr R Pulleyn, for the erection of 12 two bedroom flats, 2 one bedroom flats and a retail unit with associated access and parking following the demolition of Clifton Garage. 


Officers updated that one additional letter of objection had been received.


Members asked for the total number of objections received and the Officer said that there had been 222. Eight had been received in support (including two petitions totalling 32 signatures).


Representations were received in objection from a resident who said that a larger retail unit would have a detrimental impact on the locality and on the smaller shops in the area. He also said that it would spoil the village feel of Clifton Green.


Representations were also received from a resident on behalf of Avenue Terrace Residents who thought that the proposed retail unit was too large for the area and the proposed development would be visually dominating and out of character with the neighbourhood. There was no proven justification for the new retail outlet and it would cause parking issues in the area as well as being detrimental to neighbouring amenities.


Representations were also received from a local resident who was generally supportive of the application but stated that there was insufficient turning space for large vehicles at the rear of the shop. He also said that larger vehicles held up the traffic in the area whilst they were manoeuvring.


Representations were received from the applicant’s agent who said that they had worked closely with Officers over access and believed that this development could bring a lot to the area. He stated that the traffic access issues had been considered.


Councillor Scott spoke as Ward Councillor and voiced concerns about disruption that this proposed development would have on neighbouring properties. There would be unavoidable noise from customers and staff parking and from deliveries. There would be an immediate loss of amenity and possible security concerns. A shop of this size would be catering for a wider area and this could have a negative effect on the SPAR which also houses the local Post Office. He alleged that this development would not add anything to the local area. He also said that it was family housing that was needed rather than flats.


Members discussed the possibility of splitting the retail section up into smaller units. Some Members asked whether it would be better to have one larger store with one or two deliveries a day or two or three smaller units with at least one delivery each per day. Officers said that the traffic would be the same for each of these. Members also said that there would be a loss of on-street parking.


Members considered the number of objections received. They discussed the fact that noise from lorries and extractors could be very hard to live with. There would also be a loss of visual amenity if the development were to go ahead. There were several queries surrounding access and vehicular movements. Concerns were also raised regarding the effect a large retail unit would have on the smaller businesses already in the area. There were concerns about the lack of family housing in the proposed development.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.




(i)                                         The proposals, by virtue of the size of the retail unit, are considered to represent a scale of provision which is inappropriate to this locality which is currently served by a range of retail outlets. As such and in the absence of an assessment of retail need that demonstrates that the shop will meet an identified local need the proposals are contrary to Draft Local Plan Policy S10 part ii and the aims of PPS6.


(ii)                                       The proposed development, by virtue of the height bulk and proximity of the buildings and proximity of the access, parking and vehicle unloading areas to the rear of dwellings on Avenue Terrace, would harm the living conditions enjoyed by occupiers of those dwellings to such a degree as to be unacceptable and contrary to the aims of Draft City of York Local Plan Policies GP1 and S10 iii and the aims of PPS1.


(iii)                                     The proposed development is likely to lead to increased car and HGV movements entering and leaving the site and stopping at the site to the detriment of highway safety.


(iv)                                      The proposed development, by virtue of the size of the retail unit, will result in detriment to the character of this part of the Clifton Conservation Area. As such the proposals are contrary to the aims of PPG15,  Policies HE3 and S10 iii of the Draft City of York Local Plan and Policy E4 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan.

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