Agenda item

Land At Cocoa West, Wigginton Road [18/01011/OUTM]

Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for means of access for a mix of uses including 425 dwellings, offices, retail, a creche and community uses with associated car parking, landscaping, highways infrastructure and other ancillary works [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major outline application from York 456 Ltd. This was an outline planning application with all matters reserved except for means of access for a mix of uses including 425 dwellings, offices, retail, a crèche and community uses with associated car parking, landscaping, highways infrastructure and other ancillary works.


Officers advised Members that there was a correction to paragraph 3.7 of the report to include the requirement of a contribution to places at local secondary school (this did not change the recommendation) and there also was a correction to state A1 use.  In response to a question regarding ancillary works, Officers explained that there was a requirement for dropped curbs in the traffic plans.


Sarah Daniel welcomed the application. She raised concern regarding works traffic to and from the site and requested that a planned set of operational working be created to include the hours safe working of that traffic to and from the site. She asked whether the ancillary works included work to the main drain on Wigginton Road. She asked for the provision of dropped curbs and a pedestrian crossing. She referred to the removal of trees and asked that this be limited as much as possible.


Graham Holbeck (Agent for the Applicant), spoke in support of the application. He outlined the application noting that the design had been done in consultation with local residents and that there had been few objections. He noted the main differences from the 2010 application and with regard to traffic he noted that the developer had worked with the CYC traffic team, Sustrans and bus operating companies. He noted the intention to start building in 2020.


In response to Member questions, Mr Holbeck clarified that:

·        There was a loss of a small group of trees towards the Wigginton Road end of the development, and the tree loss on the Sustrans route was primarily to facilitate access.

·        With regard to through routes, there were two cul-de-sacs on the plans and the intention was facilitate public, pedestrian, cycle and emergency vehicular access to the site.

·        Within the infrastructure, water was directed through Haxby Road

·        The access from Wigginton Road to Haxby Road would be put forward for adoption.


Cllr Craghill (Ward Councillor) spoke on the application. She explained that parking levels on the site would be high and she suggested that parking be amended. She encouraged the developers to work with CYC and other partners on the street design and she asked for them to be more proactive regarding bus services.


In answer to questions from the Committee, Officers confirmed that:

·        The intention was that as the application progressed to detailed planning there would be discussions with service providers on bus service provision. This would include looking at the proximity of bus stops.

·        There were a number of items that could only be conditioned later on in the application process.

·        Because there were bus stops within reasonable walking distance of the site this meant there was no justification for introducing new bus stops.

·        There had been a contribution to off site sport provision.

·        All measures would be put in place to address air quality damage.


Following debate it was:


Resolved: That the application is approved subject to a Section 106 Agreement to secure the planning obligations, conditions and informative listed in the report.




                     i.        The proposed development would provide a mix of housing reasonably in line with local need (i.e. predominantly 2 and 3 bed dwellings) and ancillary facilities that will help meet residents’ daily needs in the interests of creating a sustainable community.  The scheme will deliver affordable housing at a policy compliant 20%. 


                    ii.        The development relates appropriately to the surroundings, including the adjacent conservation area, it has a well defined layout with a network and variety of green space and amenity space.  The development is of scale that will relate acceptably to its surroundings; there will not be an undue impact on existing resident's amenity.  The development can be accommodated by the highway network without significant effect. 


                   iii.        The scheme accords with national advice on sustainable development, sustainable travel and design.  This is a suitable scheme to re-develop this Brownfield site efficiently and deliver housing in accordance with identified need.  To provide adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of future occupants an associated legal agreement will also secure a contribution towards off site sports facilities and contributions towards education requirements; to be decided at reserved matters stage(s).  


                  iv.        The planning obligations required (specified below) are compliant with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations in that they are necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;directly related to the development; and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.  Furthermore no more than 5 contributions will have been made towards the relevant infrastructure projects.

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