Agenda item

Safer York Partnership Bi-annual Report

This report updates the committee on the work of the Safer York Partnership and its progress against the aims and objectives of the Community Safety Strategy.


Jane Mowat, Head of Community Safety CYC and Lindsey Robson, York and Selby Commander, North Yorkshire Police were in attendance to update the committee on the co-ordinated work of the Community Safety team and the Police.


Officers responded to a question from members on an increase in numbers of cases falling under the ‘violence against a person’ statistic. It was highlighted that there had been a change in the way the statistics were being recorded with harassment and stalking reports now being considered under this category.


It was also highlighted to members that the majority of the increase in numbers of domestic abuse reports could be attributed to more confidence in the police force and an increased willingness within the community to report incidents. Officers also stated the increased success and support of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences have affected the number of reports and that this should also be seen as a positive.


Under further questioning from members regarding Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) reporting, officers reported that whilst the police will always respond to a ‘threat to life’, other reports must then be prioritised. Officers pointed out that their Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers, BID Rangers and Police Officers were using the joint hub at the West Offices to ensure a multi-agency approach was being used to tackle issues such as ASB and that there had been an 80% reduction in the number of ASB cases over the last three years.


Officers also informed members of the work being done to:

-       Reduce the drug paraphernalia being found by residents and businesses in the city

-       Publicise a new ‘text to give’ campaign

-       Enforce penalties against magazine sellers using inappropriate or aggressive behaviour

-       Review the way in which the police and Council share information and the effect that GDPR has had


Officers explained their plan towards the future of portable CCTV cameras used to enforce on fly-tipping cases, saying that they would react to hotspots and deploy resources in areas of the city in which it was most in need.


During a discussion on administrative changes to the Channel  and Prevent referral systems, officers pointed out that there had been a pilot associated with Operation Dovetail, to test the feasibility of Local Authorities organising the administration associated with these systems rather than the police. This will most likely come into effect in York at the end of 2019 or early 2020.


During the discussions, there was a recurring theme regarding how to improve the public perception of Anti-Social Behaviour in the city. With reports of the situation improving in York, members and officers agreed that there was an opportunity to join up communications and ensure that consistent messages were being sent to the public.

Officers agreed to update members via email on:

-       The success of the North Yorkshire Police action on cyclists not using appropriate lights

-       The number of needle bins that have been distributed; and

-       Information on the actions relating to inconsiderate parking around schools in the city.


Resolved:      Members are asked to note and comment on the contents of this report


Reason:         To update members on the performance of the Safer York Partnership

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