Agenda item

Review of Disabled Access into the City Centre

This report follows on from 19 June 2018 Economy and Place Policy Development Committee where it was agreed that the Committee would look into possible mitigation measures for disabled blue badge access against the vehicle security measures around the city centre.



Members considered a report that followed on from the Committee meeting held 19 June 2018, at which the Committee agreed that it would look into possible mitigation measures for disabled blue badge access against the vehicle security measures around the city centre.  The Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and Environment outlined the report.


Organisations representing disabled blue badge holders had been invited to the meeting and a number of representatives from those organisations were in attendance. This included Healthwatch York, York Multiple Sclerosis Group, York Blind and Partially Sighted Society and a City of York Council Officer with a disability. The written comments from York Carers Centre were noted.


Officers were to recommend to the Executive at its meeting on 27 September 2018 that an experimental traffic regulation order be put in place to trial standard bollards in a core part of the city centre to be monitored for traffic management purposes. The views of representatives and their associated organisations were to be taken forward as part of the consultation on the mitigation. The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.


During discussion, the key themes on mitigation that emerged from discussions were that:


      The need to undertake the works on vehicle security measures around the city centre was recognised.


      The loss and reduction of blue badge parking in St Sampson’s Square would impact on blue badge holders. 


      Any mitigation needed to be mindful of future phases of restrictions to city centre access.


      The impact would be significant on any disabled residents of streets which were being restricted who may not be able to walk or drive out of the Priority 1 Area.


      The impact on blue badge holders with a mobility issue but without a wheelchair would be considerable.


      There would be an impact on people living in the city centre who may need patient transport.


      Access for wheelchairs needed to be maintained and any measures should not impede wheelchair access.  Electric wheel chair charging within the city centre could be explored.


      There could be a request to consider additional, possibly dedicated; blue badge parking in the wider area, not just at Church Street.


      The expansion of disabled parking in Piccadilly Car Park and shop mobility could be considered. Consideration of this needed to be mindful that some disability adapted vehicles were higher vehicles than many car parks allowed. 


      There was a need to listen to peoples’ voices whilst appreciating that not everyone would be happy or be able to be catered for regarding blue badge holder access.


      Concern was raised about the arrangements for turning around vehicles at the bottom of Church Street, particularly large minibuses, and there needed to be some sort of ‘escape route’ so that vehicles did not have to turn around in narrow streets.


      Wherever blue badge parking was displaced, consideration needed to be given to additional dropped kerbs to facilitate wheelchair access and drop off points.


      York Wheels, Dial a Ride and patient transport were possible solutions to increase access to the City Centre priority zone 1 for blue badge holders and disabled residents living in that area if they were permitted access.


      The potential for more dropped kerbs in Church Street and other areas where disabled people disembark their vehicles could be explored.


      There was a willingness from all groups to work with the council to ensure that the impacts of any measures were mitigated. For example, textured paving or colour differentials could be placed around bollards - these changes would need to be communicated clearly to different parts of the community. Whilst this would increase street furniture, it was also an opportunity to remove some of the other street clutter at the same time.


      The impact on business and market operations would also need to be considered.


Resolved: That;

                                     i.        Members note content of the report, its Appendix and Annexes and provide feedback. 

                                    ii.        Members consider the possible mitigation measures for disabled blue badge access against the vehicle security measures around the city centre in light of initial input from user groups.

                                   iii.        Members agree that further consultation is needed.

Reason:     So the Committee plays an active role in policy development in the city.


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