Agenda item

37, Crossways, York (06/02793/FUL)

Change of use from residential dwelling to house in multiple occupation [Hull Road].


Members considered a full application, submitted by Mr and Mrs Murray, for the change of use from residential dwelling to house in multiple occupation.


An email received from the applicant, was circulated, which gave additional details in relation to the ground and first floor accommodation and sizes for the parking area and outside space. 


Officers updated that if the application was refused they requested the amendment of the reasons to include reference to national policies in particular National Planning Policy Statement No.1 (2005) “Delivering Sustainable Development”.


Members questioned the number of bathrooms and toilets available in the property. Officers confirmed that the report referred to those that were available for all residents not to those available for individual bedrooms.


Representations in objection to the application were received from a neighbour who stated that he felt the proposal would be detrimental to the area. He felt that the change of use would create a student hostel with insufficient amenities and would be a noise nuisance. Neighbours felt that the proposal could result in residents having up to 7 cars, that the property would not be as well maintained or the garden cultivated as would a private householder. The garden area would become a bin and cycle storage area further reducing amenity space and he requested Members to support refusal of the application.


Representations were also received from the applicant who indicated that he had purchased the property 17 years ago and extended more recently. It was where his family had grown up but that the property  was now too large for his needs. He stated that the property had sufficient living accommodation for the number of proposed residents and that access to an ensuite bathroom, on the first floor, would with alteration be accessed from two bedrooms. The Universities best practice code for rented properties had been complied with and he confirmed that the properties standards would be in excess of these.


Members raised concerns that there was insufficient space for the number of bedrooms proposed, that insulation between rooms would be insufficient and that there would be insufficient bathroom/washing facilities for all the proposed residents. 


RESOLVED:                         That the application be refused.


REASON:1 Due to the size of the dwelling-house to be changed to house in multiple occupation, together with a lack of essential facilities proposed for a minimum of 7 residents living together as a single household, the proposed change of use would harm the living condition of the future occupiers, contrary to Planning Policy Statement no. 1 (2005) and policy H8 of the City of York Draft Local Plan 2005.


 2Due to the loss of domestic character by removing  a large section of amenity space for vehicle parking within a domestic curtilage of this size, together with the consideration that the internal layout will be unsuitable for the number of residents as described above (no.1 of the reason for refusal), the proposed change of use would result in an over-intensification of the application site. Hence, it would have an adverse effect on the residential amenity of the neighbouring properties, contrary to Planning Policy Statement no. 1 (2005) and policy H8 of the City of York Draft Local Plan 2005.

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