Agenda item

Work Plan 2017/18

Members are asked to consider the Committee’s draft work plan for the municipal year.



The committee considered its work plan for the 2017-18 municipal year.


The Scrutiny Officer proposed some potential dates to hold a workshop to discuss the Make it York contract renewal, and the majority of Members expressed their preference for 20 February, subject to the Managing Director of Make it York being able to attend on that date.  The Scrutiny Officer agreed to send confirmation of this date to Members.


In addition the Scrutiny Officer proposed the addition of the following items for the next meeting of the Committee in March 2018:


·        Asset Management Strategy – Following up on the Committee’s informal meeting in November 2017 at which they received a presentation on the refreshed and updated Strategy, it was proposed that the Committee now needed to agree a formal response to the Executive.


·        Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LWCIP) – At its meeting in November 2017, the Committee had expressed an interest in the Council’s LWCIP and requested that it be considered at a future meeting. The Scrutiny officer informed Members that at present the Council only had a cycling strategy in place and no LWCIP.  Members agreed to examine the Council’s current cycling strategy and examples of any available LWCIPs from elsewhere, before deciding how to move forward on the issue.


Also for the March meeting, the Chair suggested the Committee have an initial discussion around Creative Industries. Reference was made to a recent motion to Council in December 2017 submitted by Cllr Hayes on the importance of Arts, Culture and the Creative Industries for the City’s future, both from a social wellbeing and economic development perspective, which recommended that a cross party group of members be established to move the debate forward.  As Members were not aware of any work that had taken place in relation to Councillor Hayes’ motion, it was agreed that this item be added the agenda for the March meeting.


In regard to possible topics for scrutiny review, it was suggested that the committee consider a Zero Plastic Strategy/Policy, to look at ways to minimise its own use and promote a reduction in use of plastics in the city. Members again referenced a recent council motion on non recyclable materials which requested the appropriate Scrutiny Committee consider the merits of undertaking a scrutiny review on that subject. Members noted that the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee were also considering looking at recycling and performance, and it was agreed that the two scrutiny chairs should liaise to determine the remits of both proposals before deciding how to more forward, in order to ensure no duplication of effort.


Finally, river usage and the use of water buses/taxis was suggested as a possible scrutiny topic. However, following advice from officers, the majority of Members agreed it was not a priority for the committee and agreed not to progress the topic at the present time.


Members agreed that it would be beneficial to look at the Council’s policy forward plan to help them decide what areas of policy development to look at in the future.


Resolved:  That the work plan for the remainder of 2017-18 be approved subject to additions to the 21 March meeting detailed above.


Reason:     To ensure that the Committee has an agreed programme of work in place.


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