Agenda item

Willow Lodge, Sutton Road, Wiggington, York [17/01876/FUL]

Erection of shed for sorting of waste and storage of plant and machinery following the removal of existing polytunnels [Haxby And Wigginton] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from Mr Nigel Jagger for the erection of a shed for the sorting of waste, and storage of plant and machinery following the removal of existing polytunnels at Willow Lodge, Sutton Road, Wiggington.


An Officer update was given which reported that the applicant:

·        Did not agree with the officer’s assessment that the waste transfer use of the site is unauthorised.

·        Did not consider there was a change in the character of the use of the land and therefore concluded there is no material change and the current use is lawful.

·        Agreed that the development would be an inappropriate development in the Greenbelt but argued the creation of 7 jobs and  the economic benefit to the economy, outweighed the harm, and the building granted consent in 2014 justified this basis.


Claire Jagger, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application. She noted that the proposed storage shed is the same size as the previously approved building and would reduce the opportunity for fly tipping. She noted the contribution the new jobs would bring to the local economy, and that hedges could be planted around the site.


In response to questions from Members, Claire Jagger explained that the polytunnels had been removed 5 months previously as they were unsafe and that waste had previously been stored in them.


Officers were asked and clarified that the previous planning application had been for a shed.


Resolved: That the application be refused.



                             i.        The application site is within the general extent of the Green Belt as set out by Policy Y1 of The Yorkshire and Humber Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy. In accordance with paragraph 89 of the National Planning Policy Framework it is considered that the erection of a shed constitutes inappropriate development which, according to Section 9 of the Framework is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. The proposal conflicts with the essential characteristics of Green Belts (their openness and their permanence) and the purposes of including land within the Green Belt by resulting in encroachment of development into the countryside, the sprawl, merging and coalescence of development; and is harmful to the openness of the Green Belt. The Local Planning Authority has carefully considered the justification put forward by the applicant in support of the proposals but has concluded that these considerations do not clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and other harm when substantial weight is given to the harm to the Green Belt. As such very special circumstances do not exist to justify the proposal. The proposal is therefore contrary to Section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy YH9 of the Yorkshire and Humber Plan and also conflict with Draft Development Control Local Plan (2005) policy GB1: Development in the Green Belt.


                            ii.        It is considered that the proposal would increase the dominance and presence of the built form on the land.  This would have a negative impact on the visual amenity of the area as the site is readily visible.  As such, the proposal would fail to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and would not respect or enhance the local environment, contrary to the core planning principle of the National Planning Policy Framework of recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside and Policy GP1 of the City of York Draft Development Control Local Plan (Approved April 2005) which similarly expects proposals to respect or enhance the local environment.


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