Agenda item

City of York Local Plan

This report will:


·        provide a background summary of the previous iterations of draft policies and the circumstances which led to the rationale of the Executive decision to approve the Pre-Publication Draft Local Plan for consultation;

·        provide a summary of the present national policy and legislative context, including the “soundness” requirement and potential for Government intervention;

·        report responses to the Autumn 2017 Pre Publication Draft Local Plan Consultation;

·        provide Officers’ advice regarding appropriate responses to the Consultation outcomes; and

·         seek Member approval of the next steps in the York Local Plan making process.


Members considered a report that:

     i.        Provided a background summary of the previous iterations of draft policies and the circumstances which led to the rationale of the Executive decision to approve the Pre-Publication Draft Local Pre publication draft Local Plan for consultation;

    ii.        Provided a summary of the present national policy and legislative context, including the “soundness” requirement and potential for Government intervention;

   iii.        Reported responses to the Autumn 2017 Pre Publication Draft Local Pre publication draft Local Plan Consultation;

  iv.        Provided Officers’ advice regarding appropriate responses to the Consultation outcomes; and

   v.        Sought Member approval of the next steps in the York Local Pre publication draft Local Plan making process.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Public Protection highlighted the next steps in the process, highlighting that following Regulation 19 consultation, Officers will report the responses to the Local Pre publication draft Local Plan Working Group (LPWG), Executive and Council, seeking approval to submit a pre publication draft Local Plan for public examination before the end of May 2018. A Full Council meeting would be held in May to determine whether the pre publication draft Local Plan is ‘Sound’ to enable for submission under Regulation 20.


The Head of Strategic Planning outlined amendments to Annex A of the Local Pre publication draft Local Plan Report. These were as follows:


Policy SS4: York Central

Suggested boundary amendment to include in the pre publication draft Local Plan following discussion with the York Central Partnership and CYC Major Projects team.


SS12: Land to the West of Wigginton Road

It will deliver approximately 1672 dwellings (amended from 1348 dwellings), approximately 1350 units (amended from 1200 units) of which will be delivered within the pre publication draft Local Plan period. This was to accord with the proposed changes outlined in the proforma following consultation and consideration of technical evidence.


SS13: Land to the West of Elvington Lane

It will deliver approximately 3,900 dwellings (amended from 3339  dwellings), around 2,400 units (amended from 2200 units) of which will be delivered within the pre publication draft Local Plan period. This was to accord with the proposed changes outlined in the proforma following consultation and consideration of technical evidence.


H10:Affordable Housing Table 5.4

·        Urban Greenfield sites 5-10 dwellings = 19%(amended from 15%)

·        Urban Greenfield sites 2-4 dwellings = 10%(amended from 6%)

This was because in the policy is determined by a viability assessment and confirmation had now been received via the consultants.


In response to a Member question, the Head of Strategic Planning explained the options available to Members regarding the proposed non housing and employment site related policy changes. 


In response to a Member questions, the Head of Strategic Planning responded that: 

·        The level of risk associated with making changes was a matter of judgement and that this was quantified in the report after each of the tables.

·        The amended boundaries to site SS4 reflected the outcome of discussion with the York Central Partnership and allowed the site to be seen in its wider context.

·        In relation to the green spaces on the eastern boundary of SS4, that there are policies in the plan which give protection to green spaces.

·        All of the different access routes to SS4 had been considered in coming up with the revised boundary. If the new DCLG methodology was in place it would be relevant to the plan. The indication from government was that the initial proposed implement date could change as changes to the NPPF were due to be made in Summer 2018. It was not known with certainty when the changes would come into effect.


It was moved and seconded that the recommendations in the report be approved subject to the following amendment to recommendation (i):

To agree the changes to the pre publication draft Local  Plan (Regulation 18) as set out in the report and annexe with the exception of the following tables:

·                    Housing – accept Table 1 and reject Tables 2, 3 and 4

·                    Employment – accept Table 5 and reject Tables 6 and 7.

These amendments relate to boundary changes and proposed changes to housing numbers. This is to be reflected in amendments to all specified policies detailed in the report.


Following a full debate in which Members expressed their opinions concerning the amendment, a vote was taken and it was:


Resolved:  That the LPWG recommend to Executive:


(i)                To agree the changes to the pre publication draft Local  Plan (Regulation 18) as set out in the report and annexe with the exception of the following tables:

·        Housing – accept Table 1 and reject Tables 2, 3 and 4

·        Employment – accept Table 5 and reject Tables 6 and 7.

These amendments relate to boundary changes and proposed changes to housing numbers. This is to be reflected in amendments to all relevant policies detailed in the report.


Reason:     So that an NPPF compliant Local Pre publication draft Local Plan can be progressed.


(ii)               That the proposed non housing and employment site related policy changes highlighted in Annex A be accepted.


Reason:     So that an NPPF compliant Local Pre publication draft Local Plan can be progressed.


(iii)              That following decisions on the matters referred to in (i) above, that authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader to approve all policies necessary for the production of a composite Local Plan for the purposes of public consultation. The Leader and Deputy Leader to keep Group Leaders informed through Group Leaders meetings.


Reason:     So that an NPPF compliant Local Pre publication draft Local Plan can be progressed.


(iv)              To delegate to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader the consideration and approval of further technical reports and assessments to support the Local Plan including, but not limited to the SA/ SEA, HRA, Viability Study and Transport Assessment. The Leader and Deputy Leader to keep Group Leaders informed through Group Leaders meetings.


Reason:     So that an NPPF compliant Local Pre publication draft Local Plan can be progressed.


(v)               To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader to approve a consultation strategy and associated material for the purposes of a city wide consultation and to undertake consultation on a composite Plan in accordance with that agreed strategy. The Leader and Deputy Leader to keep Group Leaders informed through Group Leaders meetings.


Reason:     So that an NPPF compliant Local Pre publication draft Local Plan can be progressed.


Supporting documents:


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