Agenda item

Ward Committee budgets

Ward councillors will give an end of year summary on how the 2016/17 ward budget was spent and further information on the budget for the 2017/18 financial year.


Cllr D’Agorne presented the ward budget update.


Ward Budget 2016/17


The total ward budget for 2016/17 was £51,740


This was made up of a carry over of £26,970 from 2015/16 and a further allocation of £24,770 in 2016/17.  The following grants were issued to local community groups and organisations:


·         £933 to Friends of Danesmead Wood for a petrol strimmer and working with TCV to design a management plan for the wood. 

·         £700 to Friends of Low Moor Allotments for repairs to the allotment path

·         £3160 to Friends of Fishergate School to develop and improve the outdoor forest school.

·         £1600 to York Bike Belles to start a walking book club.

·         £1180 to YUMI to start a family gardening club at the YUMI allotment

·         £8550 to Melbourne Centre:

-       £3500 to repair the floor in the main hall

-       £4800 for 10 sessions of a Green Woodworking and Natural Crafts Group

-       £250 to fund transport for local people to attend the Christmas Eve lunch

·         £350 to BAGNARA to purchase and plant six dwarf apple trees on Fenby Field.

·         £1691 to Friends of York Cemetery to lay a path around the pond.


In addition:


·         The ward paid £882 to cover the ground maintenance shortfall from 2015/16

·         £1000 was allocated to support further community engagement in the ward.  To date £747 had been spent on support for the Fishergate Summer Fair. 

·         £1500 was allocated for a feasibility study for a pedestrian refuge on Cemetery Road

·         An allocation of £2843 was made for the solar lighting discs on Walmgate Stray. 


A request had been made to carry over unspent funding into 2017/18 for the following potential projects:


·         Improvements to the Cemetery Road Play Area (to be added to the £17K capital funding) and some adult fitness equipment on Millennium Field.

·         Funding for a range of signage in the wards

·         Purchase and installation of ‘toast rack’ style cycle racks at Broadway shops

·         Repaint of lighting columns on walkway from Broadway West to the river

·         Funding for Fishergate Summer Fair 2017

·         Grant to York CVS for a project to support residents at risk of flooding

·         Funding for repainting of cycle barriers at the end of the cycle route from Hospital Field Road to New Walk Terrace/Millennium Bridge

·         Feasibility study to look at options for cycle/pedestrian safety improvement to Fulford Road end of Broadway

·         Refresh anti-skid and 20 mph zone markings outside St Georges School.


Decisions on carry over funding will be made by the Executive in June


Highways fund


The total ward highways budget for 2016/17 was £23,580 for highway improvements in the ward.


This is made up of £11790 carried over from 2015/16 and a further allocation of £11790 in 2016/17.


This was allocated as follows:


·         Contribution of £18K for the resurfacing of a section of New Walk Terrace.  This work was scheduled for April but no further details as yet

·         £4K for works to refresh the local safety zone features at Broadway Shops

·         £1045 for work on the Fulford Cross allotment track.


Ward Budget 2017/18


Total budget - £24,770.


Applications were invited from local community groups and organisations for projects which meet the ward priorities of


  • A welcoming community, working together
  • Promoting sustainable transport and increase road safety
  • Maintain and enhance the quality of the environment


Application packs were available online at or by contacting Claire Taylor, Community Involvement Officer on 01904 551810 or email


To date applications have been received from:


·         OCAY for a joint project with Broadway Area Neighbours and Friends (BANF) to offer outreach advocacy work in hub’s around the ward - £2700

·         Fishergate, Fulford and Heslington Local History Society to purchase a 3 panel set of free standing display boards £345.


In addition the ward had a Highways budget of £11,790 for highway improvements.


Ideas should be sent to Cllr D’Agorne ( Cllr Taylor ( or Claire Taylor (



A resident enquired whether the solar light discs were finished



Cllr D’Agorne said that this had still not happened as it had been held back to be scheduled with other work to take place.


The feasibility study for a pedestrian refuge on Cemetery Road had been done but the outcome was a recommendation not to proceed with the work.


Cllr D’Agorne said that the outstanding items could be requested to go ahead out of this year’s budget rather than waiting for the decision of the June Executive.  


The Chair proposed that all these projects should proceed if at all possible unless there was an operational reason why they should not.


This proposal was Agreed.


It was agreed to approve the two outstanding applications for funding:


OCAY joint project with BANF to offer outreach advocacy work in hub’s around the ward.  Approved.


Fishergate, Fulford and Heslington Local History Society to purchase 3 panel set of free standing display boards. 



Cllr Taylor said that there was no reason why more than one bid could be applied for in any one year.  




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