Agenda item

Ongoing Work on North Yorkshire and York PCT’s Recovery Plan

This report asks Members to consider the outcomes of the recent Health Forum consultation on the PCT’s financial recovery plan and to discuss the possibility of a related scrutiny topic.


Members considered a report which presented the outcomes of the recent Health Forum consultation and asked them to discuss the possibility of a related scrutiny topic.  Some additional notes on the Health Forum had been prepared by the Scrutiny Officer and these were circulated at the meeting.


The Chair highlighted the issue of funding to voluntary organisations, which must be resolved before the next financial year.  In the absence of the PCT’s Finance Director, who had been expected at the meeting but was unable to attend, he proposed arranging another meeting of the Committee to discuss the financial aspects of the Recovery Plan.  In the meantime, he invited contributions from those representatives of the PCT, the NHS and the voluntary sector who were in attendance this evening. 


Jim Easton, Chief Executive of York Hospitals NHS Trust, stated that work was currently in progress to implement the in-year recovery measures.  This was a complex process and there were still some clinical concerns.  Progress had also been made on a contract between the Trust and the PCT for the next year.  It was expected that the broad terms would be agreed within the next two weeks.  The implications of the contract would be a subject for further discussion by the Health Scrutiny Committee.


John Wardle, Chief Executive of York and North Yorkshire PCT, agreed that Jim Easton had provided an accurate assessment of the current position.  He confirmed that the NHS Trust and the PCT were working closely to resolve what was clearly a difficult situation for both organisations, but which must be addressed in order to achieve a sustainable future.


Dr David Geddes, Medical Director of York and North Yorkshire PCT, stressed the importance of examining in detail the work of clinicians across primary and secondary care, to ensure consistency and prevent duplication.  Whilst recognising that limiting elective treatments was an emotive issue, the PCT had make its decisions on an evidential basis.  The evidence showed that some treatments, such as facet joint injection and grommet insertions, were not effective and might even be harmful.


Bill Hodson, Director of the Council’s Housing and Adult Social Services department, provided an update on the department’s efforts to liaise with the PCT.  He indicated that there was currently insufficient data to determine the effects to date of practice-based commissioning on services provided by the Council.  However, a great deal of concern had been expressed locally about how the PCT’s plan would impact on other services in the community.


Richard Baldwin, Chair of Home Start, spoke as a representative of a small voluntary organisation which provided vital services at a low cost and was jointly funded by City of York Council (CYC) and the PCT.  Although CYC’s contribution had kept pace with inflation, the PCT’s had not. Without an increase in funding, Home Start would be unable to continue operating beyond November 2007, which would have a significant effect on the long-term cost of other services.  However, Home Start had received no indication of the level of funding that the PCT intended to provide in the next financial year.  Other voluntary organisations were in a similar position.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the information from the Health Forum and from representatives at the meeting be noted.


                        (ii)        That an additional meeting of the Committee be arranged, prior to its next scheduled meeting in April, to pursue financial issues relating to the Recovery Plan and receive an update on the PCT’s contract with York Hospitals NHS Trust.


                        (iii)       That authority be delegated to the Chair and Cllr Fraser, in consultation with the PCT, to arrange a suitable date and time for that meeting, which may be either formal or informal.


REASON:      To enable the Committee to give proper consideration to the financial aspects of the Plan before the end of the current financial year.

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