Agenda item
Land To The North Of Avon Drive, Huntington, York (16/01073/OUTM)
Erection of 67 dwellings. [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]
Members considered an outline major application by Pilcher Homes Ltd for the erection of 67 dwellings.
It was reported that three people had registered to speak in objection to the application.
David Trayhorn, a local resident spoke about the detrimental effect that the development would have on the carbon footprint of the area from the increase in houses and traffic. He felt that the local infrastructure needed to be improved before any new development was approved.
Roy Brown, a local resident, felt that no very special circumstances had been demonstrated by the applicant for building in the green belt. He felt that the land was the final natural barrier that remained between Earswick and Huntington and stopped the two villages from coalescence.
Professor Hartley, a local resident, spoke regarding a consultation document which had been circulated by the applicant. She informed the Committee that it was incorrect that he had consulted widely with residents, as those on Strensall Road had not been informed of the planned development.
Two speakers had registered in support of the application:
Simon Chadwick, the agent for the applicant stated that the application site was not in the green belt and that until York had an adopted up to date Local Plan special circumstances could not be demonstrated. He added that the development would be bounded by the ring road on two sides and therefore could not be classified as sprawl. He advised that the Committee approve the application on the basis of sustainable housing.
Robert Pilcher the applicant, spoke about the history of development on Avon Drive and referred to the previous application submitted. He informed the Committee about the alterations.
In response to Members’ questions, the applicant responded:
· The information leaflets were circulated by a company which were told to look at certain areas in York.
· There would be 27 starter homes on the site.
· No planning permission had been necessary on the original Avon Drive site sixty years ago.
· Changes had been made to the application as a result of consultation with Members, the leaflets were for information.
Diane Geogheghan- Breen, Chair of Huntington Parish Council, spoke in regards to the community effect that the development would have, such as on local schools and on GP surgeries.
Councillor Cullwick spoke as the Ward Member. He referred to the previous Draft Local Plan which did not include development on the site. He was unaware of the leaflets that had been circulated and wanted to know about the geographic location of the “likes” on the New Homes for York Facebook page, which had been established in association with the application.
During debate some Members felt that although it was an attractive development, the draft local plan had located the site within the Green Belt. They added that they were concerned about the coalescence between the two villages.
Others expressed the view that the location was appropriate and the applicant had considered access and a number of the new properties would be affordable starter homes and the city needed more housing.
Resolved: That the application be refused.
Reason: Policy YH9 and Y1 of the Yorkshire and Humber Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy to 2026 defines the general extent of the Green Belt around York with an outer boundary about 6 miles from the city centre. The application site is located in the Green Belt as identified in the 2005 City of York Draft Local Plan. It is considered that the proposed development of up to 67 houses and associated infrastructure constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt as set out in section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Inappropriate development is by definition harmful to the Green Belt. No 'very special circumstances' have been put forward by the applicant that would outweigh harm by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm, including the impact on the openness of the Green Belt and conflict with the purposes of including land within Green Belt. The proposal is therefore considered contrary to advice within the National Planning Policy Framework, in particular section 9 'Protecting Green Belt Land' and policy GB1 'Development in the Green Belt' of the 2005 City of York Draft Local Plan.
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