Agenda item

York Designer Outlet, St Nicholas Avenue, York, YO19 4TA (16/01483/FUL)

Change of use of part of car park to 12 hole artificial all weather putting course. [Fulford and Heslington Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Drew Kirby for a change of use of part of car park to a 12 hole artificial all weather putting course.


Officers provided a written update to Members, this was published with the agenda online after the meeting. In the update they advised that;


There was an error in the report, in paragraph 1.2 the fencing height was 1.2m not 1.5m as stated.


Comments received from Landscape Architect

-      Considers that the proposal would slightly enhance the visual and physical landscape. Would involve the removal of 2 small trees and includes the planting of 25 small species trees

-      The boundary fence follows the kerb line so there would be no impact on existing trees to be retained

-      A condition is recommended to secure a method statement to ensure that adequate tree protection is observed during the construction phase

Officers advised that an additional condition be included regarding protection measures for existing trees.


Comments received from Flood Risk Engineer

-      Notes that the proposal involves breaking up of the existing tarmac to ensure free drainage

-      No objections are raised on flood risk or drainage grounds

One speaker had registered to speak in support of the application:


Simon Laws, the agent for the applicant informed the Committee about the landscaping aspects of the application. The features would be Historic York landmarks. The site itself would result in a loss of six car parking spaces.


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report and the additional landscaping condition detailed below.


Additional condition


Before the commencement of development including demolition, excavations and building operations, an Arboricultural Method Statement regarding protection measures for the existing trees shown to be retained on the approved drawings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Amongst others, this statement shall include details and locations of protective fencing and method of installation, site rules and prohibitions, arrangements for loading/off-loading, parking arrangements for site vehicles, locations for stored materials, locations and means of installing utilities, location of site compound and marketing suite where applicable. The document shall also include methodology for removing the existing surface and installing the proposed surfacing and planting. A copy of the document will be available for inspection on site at all times.


Reason: To protect existing trees which are covered by a Tree Preservation Order and/or are considered to make a significant contribution to the amenity of this area and/or development.


Reason: (i) The proposal would have no significant impact on openness, nor would the proposal conflict with the purposes of including land in the Green Belt. It is considered that the proposal would complement the existing retail function of the site, potentially making it more attractive as a retail destination thus bringing economic benefits to the area.


                     (ii)It is considered that taken together, the site circumstances and other considerations referred to above, even when attaching substantial weight to the harm to the Green Belt, amount to very special circumstances in this case that are sufficient to clearly outweigh the potential harm to the Green Belt and any other harm.



Supporting documents:


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