Agenda item
Bootham Park Hospital Scrutiny Review Final Report
This cover report presents the final report from the Bootham Park Hospital Scrutiny Review and asks the Executive to approve the recommendations arising from the review.
Councillor Doughty as Task Group Chair will attend the meeting to present the review recommendations.
Resolved: That the Executive endorse the recommendations set out in the final report of the Bootham Park Hospital Scrutiny Review as listed at paragraphs 10,11 and 12 (i to v) and the additional recommendations at paragraph (vi) (i to iii) of the report.
Reason: So Members are aware of the work undertaken by the Health & Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee in relation to the closure of Bootham Park Hospital and the measures taken to re-establish services in York.
Consideration was given to the final report of the Bootham Park Hospital Scrutiny Review, at Appendix 1 of the report. A review which had been undertaken following the hospital’s closure further to an unannounced inspection of the psychiatric inpatient services by the Care Quality Commission in September 2015. The following recommendations had been put forward in the final report for Executive approval:
That NHS England should ensure that:
i. The NHS nominated a named person to be responsible for the overall programme of sustained improvements to mental health services in York. That person to provide regular progress reports to the Council and meet the Committee when requested to review progress;
ii. Specific details were provided of all mental health services currently provided or planned in the City of York area, with timescales for provision or replacement where appropriate;
iii. Commissioning agents should sign up to an understanding that they were more proactive in engaging with people to avoid the sudden closure of health facilities.
That the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust and the Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group:
iv. Carry out a full and robust consultation process ahead of the procurement of a new mental health unit in York and that details are shared with the Committee.
That the Care Quality Commission:
iv. Should consider varying its internal processes so that there was a procedure for service transfers between providers, rather than treating them as a full deregistration and re-registration procedure.
The Health & Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee also agreed that:
i. The Final Report and its recommendations should be referred to the Executive and the Health & Wellbeing Board for endorsement and consideration as appropriate, prior to forwarding them to NHS England.
ii. Copies of the final report were sent to all the organisations mentioned in the recommendations in the paragraphs above.
iii. Those organisations mentioned in the recommendations be asked to respond to the Health & Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee within three months. 1.
Councillor Cuthbertson, as Vice Chair of the Task Group, presented the report outlining the background to the review and the work undertaken both by the Group and John Ransford, an Independent Expert Adviser. He highlighted the NHS Learning and Assurance and Healthwatch reports and the subsequent NHS Action Plans and key observations arising from the summary of events and issues raised. He confirmed that, whilst it appeared that all agencies had failed in some way in the closure of the hospital, in patient services had now been reinstated in the city. He also expressed his thanks to John Ransford for his independent review work.
Members also expressed their thanks to the Task Group and all involved in the review for their comprehensive report and recommendations, which they felt provided future accountability for mental health services in the city.
Resolved: That the Executive endorse the recommendations set out in the final report of the Bootham Park Hospital Scrutiny Review as listed at paragraphs 10,11 and 12 (i to v) and the additional recommendations at paragraph (vi) (i to iii) of the cover report.
Reason: So Members are aware of the work undertaken by the Health & Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee in relation to the closure of Bootham Park Hospital and the measures taken to re-establish services in York.
Supporting documents:
Cover Report for Executive, item 69.
PDF 174 KB
Appendix 1 - BPH final report, item 69.
PDF 239 KB
Annex 1- NHS England Report, item 69.
Annex 2 - Healthwatch York report Bootham Park Hospital.docx, item 69.
Annex 3 - Action Plans, item 69.
PDF 530 KB