Agenda item

Naburn Lock Caravan Park, Naburn Lock Track, Naburn, York (16/01853/FUL)

Use of the land for the siting of 15 touring caravans / camping pitches.  [Wheldrake Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Mr and Mrs Wilkinson for the use of the land for the siting of 15 touring caravans/camping pitches.


An Officer update which included three suggested additional conditions if planning permission was granted, was circulated to Members. This was published with the agenda following the meeting.


One speaker had registered to speak in support of the application:


Kevin Robinson, the agent for the applicant explained to the Committee how the high occupancy rates at the caravan park meant that people had to be turned away. He underlined the economic benefits that the proposal would bring to Naburn village and also pointed out the sustainable transport links.


A Member of Council had registered to speak in support of the application:


Councillor Mercer highlighted that the land proposed for the additional pitches would be well screened from roads, would not produce noise after 11pm and would not be visible from other properties. She stated the additional pitches would also benefit the local public house and that the proximity of the bus stop would encourage visitors to travel into York.


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report and the following three additional conditions;


(i)           Details of any scheme for illumination of all external areas of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within 8 weeks of the permission being granted and the agreed scheme shall thenceforth be  implemented on site on first usage of the authorised pitches and thereafter.


Reason: To protect the living conditions of the nearby residential properties and to prevent light pollution.


(ii)          Details of all machinery, plant and equipment to be installed in or located on the use hereby permitted, which is audible outside of the site boundary when in use, shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval prior to the pitches hereby authorised being first brought into use.  These details shall include maximum (LAmax (f)) and average sound levels (LAeq), octave band noise levels and any proposed noise mitigation measures.  All such approved machinery, plant and equipment shall not be used on the site except in accordance with the prior written approval of the local planning authority.  The machinery, plant or equipment and any approved noise mitigation measures shall be fully implemented and operational before the proposed use first opens and shall be appropriately maintained thereafter.


Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby residential


(iii)        A noise management scheme shall be agreed with the local planning authority which shall specify the provisions to be made for the control of noise emanating from the site.  The scheme should in particular, address noise from customers on site and the handling of noise complaints received by the camping site. The scheme shall be approved by the local planning authority within 8  weeks of the permission being granted and once approved implemented and adhered to on first implementation of the pitches and thereafter.


Reason: To protect the amenity of nearby residential dwellings.


Reason:   It is considered that a case for "very special circumstances" has been submitted in respect of the proposed development which would clearly outweigh any harm caused to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness together with any other harm. The potential impacts of the previous proposal upon the setting of Naburn Banqueting House and the residential amenity of neighbouring properties have also been effectively addressed. The scheme is therefore recommended for approval subject to conditions.



Supporting documents:


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