Agenda item

St Peters Boat House, Westminster Road, York (16/01325/FUL)

Demolition of boathouse and construction of replacement boathouse, extension of boat repair block to accommodate sports facilities and amenities, extension of steps to river. [Clifton Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by St Peter’s School for the demolition of a boathouse and construction of a replacement boathouse, extension of boat repair block to accommodate sports facilities and amenities and extension of steps to river.


In their update to Members, Officers stated that there was an error in the report at paragraph 4.15; which stated that in the 2005 Draft Local Plan proposals, the site was identified as Green Belt land. This was incorrect, it was not included as Green Belt. In addition, revised drawings submitted by the applicant illustrated that an ash tree would be retained.


It was reported that one speaker had registered to speak in objection:


Mr Pugsley, a user of the riverside footpath, spoke in objection to the application. He felt that the large steps were unnecessary, unsightly and would damage the natural habitat. He added that the application site was also on a national cycle path and so would cause congestion for other users of the path. He questioned why the proposal prioritised an activity that did not take place all year round.


It was reported that one speaker had registered to speak in support:


Janet O’Neill, the agent for the applicant spoke in support of the proposal. She highlighted an audit that showed that rowing was growing in popularity but lacked facilities. The current boathouse was too small and it was dangerous for users to retrieve boats from the river in front of the boathouse. She explained that the steps would allow for a number of boats to launch simultaneously.  As there would be an impact on the green belt, the boathouse would be painted green and hand diggings had been carried out due to a veteran tree on site. 


In response to questions from Members, the applicant outlined that;


·        St Peter’s School would need to balance their partnership with York City Rowing Club, who had access to the boathouse to work with other schools in the city.


·        The steps would be lengthened to allow for a number of boats to be launched at the same time and also because the students were timetable restricted, and wished to lengthen their access on the water.


Members entered debate and the following views and points were expressed;


·        There were opportunities for roosting bats within the design of the boathouse which could be conditioned, if planning permission was granted.

·        There would be minimal impact to the habitat caused by the application.

·        A more secure facility was needed for the storage of boats.


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report and an amended and additional condition;


Amended condition:


2. Drawing no 2. 2014-273/1303 rev. K ‘Site Layout Plan’ dated 24/10/16


Additional condition:


12. The design of the lower boathouse shall include features which are suitable to accommodate roosting bats, the details of which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before construction of the building commences. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To enhance the existing habitats of this protected species in the locality, in accordance with Paragraph 118 of National Policy Planning Framework.


Reason:   Other considerations, together with mitigation of other harm through planning conditions, clearly outweigh the potential harm to the Green Belt, even when affording this harm considerable substantial weight, and any other harm. This, therefore, amounts to the 'very special circumstances' necessary to justify the development.

Supporting documents:


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