Agenda item
Stonebow House, York, YO1 7NY (16/01003/FUL)
Change of use of 5th floor from office (Use class B1) to residential (Use class C3) and extension to top floor and first floor to create 5 no. Residential units, extend floor space and change use of ground floor units to flexible uses within use classes A1/A3/A4 with associated external alterations to car parking and landscaping. [Guildhall] [Site Visit]
Members considered a full application by Oakgate Central for a change of use of the 5th floor from office (Use class B1) to residential (use class C3) and an extension to the top floor and first floor to create 5no. residential units, extended floor space and change of use of ground floor units to flexible uses within use classes A1/A3/A4, with associated external alterations to car parking and landscaping.
Officers circulated an update, which was attached to the online agenda following the meeting. This included a proposed condition to replace condition 12 in the planning report, further detail on landscaping and amendments to conditions on waste collection and air quality.
Members received written representation from Councillor Craghill , along with some proposed amendments to conditions, full details of which were attached to the online agenda following the meeting.
Brian Watson spoke in support of the application. He suggested the proposed development was sympathetic to the surrounding area and that bringing the building back into use was a positive step. He stated that the design would enhance the whole structure.
Chris Darley, agent for the applicant, explained that his team had worked closely with officers to develop a proposal that was a significant enhancement to both the building and local area. He stated it was hoped that works would be complete by October 2017.
In response to Member’s questions, Officers clarified:
· The balustrade along the top length of the building was functional and an integral part of the original design of the building and although consideration had been given to removing it, there would have been a need to replace it with something else to ensure public safety.
· Discussions were ongoing with BT about placement of the public telephone box.
After a lengthy debate, Councillor Craghill moved a motion to include a condition for there to be a planter included in the application, to replace the current ‘Edible York’ bed. Councillor Looker seconded this motion. When put to the vote the motion fell.
Councillor Cannon moved to add a condition stating that outside seating should have limited hours of use – between 0800 and 2300. Councillor Craghill seconded this motion. When put to the vote it was tied, but fell when the Chair used his casting vote.
Members stated that overall this was a huge improvement in design terms to the existing building and would provide much needed residential accommodation in the city centre.
Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Officer’s report
I. The proposed refurbishment of the building looks to resolve a number of issues with the lower level of the building. The scheme would provide an active commercial frontage to Stonebow, improve the public realm and increase natural surveillance. The east side of the building is an area where crime and disorder is in particular a problem due to the lack of natural surveillance. The scheme will address this and provide a more welcome and overlooked public space.
II. The refurbishment is sympathetic and honest to the architecture of the host building in that the definitive concrete frame will be retained and refurbished. The concrete balustrade around the podium and at the top of the tower are now to be retained. The new elements and materials would compliment, and not detract from, the building’s appearance.
III. Overall the works will improve the character and appearance of the conservation area and the vitality of this part of the city centre. Reasonable levels of residential amenity can be secured by the use of planning conditions. There would be no undue effect on highway safety or in respect of flood risk.
IV. The works reasonably comply with planning objectives in the NPPF and would not conflict with the council’s statutory requirement in terms of dealing with change in conservation areas, as established in the Planning Act.
Supporting documents:
16 01003 ful stonebow house committee report, item 22c
PDF 292 KB
Stonebow House The Stonebow 16 1003 FUL Site plan, item 22c
PDF 265 KB
Stonebow House Committee Update, item 22c
Proposed conditions Stonebow House - Cllr Craghill, item 22c