Agenda item
Protection of Grass Verges Scrutiny Review Final Report
This cover report presents the final report from the Protection of Grass Verges Scrutiny Review and asks the Executive to approve the recommendations arising from the review.
Councillor Fenton as Task Group Chair will attend the meeting to present the review recommendations.
Resolved: That the Executive endorse the recommendations set out in the final report of the Protection of Grass Verges Scrutiny Review as set out at paragraphs 5 to 7 (i to vii) of the cover report.
Reason: So the Council can help address ongoing issues for a number of residents in various wards in the city.
Members considered the final report of the Grass Verges Scrutiny Review which had been undertaken to examine concerns raised about damage by motor vehicles to grass verges across the city.
Councillor Fenton, as Task Group Chair, thanked the Committee, Task Group and Officers for their work on the review which had been set up with the aim of finding how the Council could work in partnership with residents to improve and protect grass verges from damage. Cllr Fenton referred to the objectives, information gathered and feedback received and outlined the under mentioned recommendations as a first step in alleviating the problems.
The Scrutiny Committee and Task Group had
recommended that the Council:
Continue to carry out its current policy to repair
grass verges when reported as and when it deemed it appropriate.
Sets up a system to acknowledge and record
complaints with a view to taking action against individuals and
organisations where this was possible and practical.
iii. Ensure that off-street parking provision was a consideration in the revised Local Plan. 3.
Also in an effort to encourage drivers not to park
on or drive over grass verges and reduce the amount of damage to
verges across the city, EDAT and the Task Group
That the Director of
City and Environmental Services:
Promoted via My Account the need for a verge
crossover where front gardens had be made into hard standing areas
and offered residents the facility to construct a vehicle access
crossing point, at their own cost. 4.
Offered reduced rates where a number of residents
decided to proceed with construction of vehicle access crossing
points or when other significant highways construction work was
taking place in their neighbourhood. 5.
Arrange for an informative to be included in
planning application documentation to reduce the risk of damage
being caused to verges by contractor’s vehicles during
building work and if damage was caused during the course of any
work it should be repaired on completion of the work and the verges
reinstated to their original condition. 6.
The Communications Team to produce a pro forma
letter to further promote community and neighbourhood pride and
advise that it costs council tax payers £35 per square metre
to repair damaged verges, which can:
Be made available to ward councillors for
distribution to drivers and residents when a particular problem was
identified or reported; 7.
Be circulated to residents online or by text message
via the new My Account system; 8.
Form the basis of a poster to be displayed in local
libraries, community centres, other public buildings and included
in relevant council publications. 9.
Furthermore, the Task Group had recommended that the Director of City and Environmental Services:
reviewed, and where appropriate amended, the
existing Council policy with regard to damage to grass verges and
assessed staff resources required. 10.
produced a menu of options to be made available to
ward councillors, ward committees and parish councils so that
had an idea of the cost of various interventions
that could be funded through ward budgets, such as installation of
parking bays or repairs to damaged verges;
· could focus on areas of greatest need dependent on a consensus of support from the local community and partner agencies. 11.
Members welcomed the recommendations and partnership approach suggested, pointing out that this was also a problem in rural areas.
Officers confirmed that the recommendations were achievable and could be implemented at minimal cost. However the main issue was for residents to feel a sense of personal responsibility and pride in their neighbourhood.
Resolved: That the Executive endorse the recommendations set out in the final report of the Protection of Grass Verges Scrutiny Review as set out at paragraphs 5 to 7 (i to vii) of the cover report.
Reason: So the Council can help address ongoing issues for a number of residents in various wards in the city.
Supporting documents:
Cover report, item 70.
PDF 149 KB
Appendix 1 - Final Report, item 70.
PDF 225 KB
Annex A - Public Comments Online only, item 70.