Agenda item

Audit and Counter Fraud Monitoring Report

This report provides an update on progress made in delivering the internal audit workplan for 2016/17 and on current counter fraud activity.


Members considered a report that provided an update on progress made in delivering the internal audit workplan for 2016/17 and on current counter fraud activity.  Officers stated that work was on track to complete the audit workplan.


Referring to paragraph 9 of the report, Members sought clarification as to whether the housing department had been set a target in respect of savings through housing fraud investigation.   Officers agreed to provide information on this issue following the meeting.1


Officers were asked if the target completion dates were realistic.  They stated that managers were aware of the follow-up processes and hence the need to ensure that actions could be achieved within the dates set.


Officers were asked about the arrangements that had been put in place to address issues identified in the Sub-Contracting Arrangements (Civil Engineering and Building Maintenance) audit report which had been given a limited assurance opinion.  Officers explained that an investigation had taken place into the issues that had been raised in the report.  They stated that mechanisms were in place to ensure that the council met its statutory responsibilities and protected the public purse but that these arrangements did deter some local providers from tendering. 


Referring to the Direct Payments audit, officers were asked if it would be possible to put in place alternative arrangements for the six customers who received Direct Payments into a personal dedicated bank account in order to address the issue that had been identified.  Officers agreed to look into this issue and report back2.  Members agreed that the Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee should be made aware of the findings of the Direct Payments Audit Report.  


Members expressed concern that a number of follow-up actions from the Health and Safety audit were still outstanding, several of which were priority two actions.  Concerns were expressed that any failure to abide by the requirements of health and safety legislation could have severe consequences for the Council. Members sought assurances that the agreed actions were on target to be completed within the specified timescale and requested that a report on this be provided at the next meeting.


Resolved:  (i)      That the progress made in delivering the 2016/17

internal audit work programme, and current counter fraud activity, be noted.


                   (ii)      That the Health and Social Care Policy and

Scrutiny Committee be made aware of the findings of the internal audit report on Direct Payments3.


                   (iii)     That, at the next meeting, a report be received on

the implementation of the required actions arising from the internal audit of Health and Safety4.


Reason:     To enable Members to consider the implications of audit and fraud findings and ensure that appropriate follow-up is being progressed.

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