Agenda item

Attendance of Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods

The Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods has been invited to attend the meeting to give an update on the priorities and challenges for his portfolio area.


The Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods had been invited to attend the meeting to outline his priorities and challenges for 2016-17.


Councillor Carr highlighted the following issues:

·        The impact of the emerging Local Plan

·        The Housing and Planning Act 2016 and its potential impact


Members questioned the Executive Member on the following issues:

·        The Affordable Housing Policy and how this would be reflected in the Local Plan.   The Executive Member stated that there had been no change to the Affordable Housing Policy.  He gave details of some of the initiatives that the Government had put in place including Help to Buy and shared ownership arrangements.  The Executive Member stated his commitment to encouraging home ownership and informed Members that the Council had made an application for grant support.  The Executive Member stated that raising the finance for a deposit was often a key factor in deterring people from home ownership.  Referring to the social housing owned by the Council, the Executive Member drew Members’ attention to the changes in HRA and stated that consideration would need to be given to new ways of managing the estate, although consideration of this was still at a very early stage.  In response to Members’ comments, the Executive Member acknowledged that some residents preferred to rent rather than purchase their own property.

·        In response to questions regarding higher value sales, the Executive Member stated that the Council was awaiting the detail of this Government policy before determining how best to respond.

·        The efforts that were being made to address homelessness.  The Executive Member stressed the importance of intervention strategies such as working with tenants to help them to access benefits, and negotiating with landlords in order to avoid, if possible, residents becoming homeless.  The Executive Member confirmed that an emergency fund was available, although it was not inexhaustible.

·        Housing need, including numbers on the waiting list for council owned housing.

·        Housing density, including the fact that a number of apartments were being built in York which, although often attractive to older people who wished to “downsize”, were sometimes purchased by people moving to York from other parts of the country and hence did not necessarily release housing accommodation for local residents.

·        The action that was being taken to reduce the number of rough sleepers.  The Executive Member stated that, although there had been an increase in the number of rough sleepers, the numbers involved were very small and the warmer weather may have been a contributory factor.  The Council operated a “No Second Night Out Policy” and accommodation was available for all the rough sleepers in the city.  It was, however, acknowledged that some rough sleepers did not wish to use this facility or accept the help that was available, and they often reverted back to rough sleeping.

·        Referring to the data on “additional homes provided”, it was suggested that as the figures included bed spaces in student accommodation it was not a true reflection of the additional homes that had been made available to York residents.  The Executive Member stated that he believed that the private halls of residents that were being built would have a positive impact and address some of the concerns that had been raised regarding HMOs.  Students made a valued contribution to the city and its reputation.


The Chair suggested that it would be helpful if the Executive Member provided information on the “average void period” when he next met with the committee.


Councillor Carr was thanked for his report and for his attendance at the meeting.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.


Reason:     To ensure that the committee is kept updated on the Executive Member’s priorities and challenges.


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