Agenda item

12A New Walk Terrace, York (06/02713/FUL)

Installation of 2 no. dormers to front elevation.


Members considered a Full Application, submitted by Mr J Vandijk, for the installation of 2 no. dormers to the front elevation of 12A New Walk Terrace.


Officers updated that revised elevations had been submitted to show minor changes in design, at the request of the Conservation Officer, and that if approved there was a need to add an additional condition Noise 7 relating to hours of construction to protect neighbours amenities.


Officers also reported receipt of an additional letter of objection from the neighbour at 12B concerned about inconsistency in the Council’s dealing with planning applications for 12A and 12B.


Representations were then received in objection from a neighbour raising concerns regarding the proposal. She pointed out that 12A and 12B had originally been one property, Melbourne House, and that this property had also had the same roofline as the adjacent Grade II listed terrace. The two properties had been reduced in height following a fire and she felt that both properties should be similar in appearance and that it should be conditioned as such. She felt that guidance given to the applicant was not consistent with that given when she had made an application. She felt that the proposal would spoil the character of the terrace and the roofline and would set a precedent.


Representations were also received in support from the applicant who referred to the Georgian room in the property, which had no light. He confirmed that he had felt that a velux window would be out of keeping in the terrace and that the present application would be a better solution both internally and externally. The proposed windows were the same as those on the adjacent terrace properties at this height and he felt that the proposal would add quality to the building and terrace as a whole and would not set a precedent.


Members questioned details of the previous applications and advice given at that time. Officers confirmed that a pre application enquiry had been made when advice had been given that Officers would oppose a full width dormer extension on 12B. Revised drawings had then been received for a single large dormer at the rear, which had not been expected but for which permission had been granted. It was reported that the applicant had also received permission for a rear dormer but again not full width.


Members questioned previous advice that the symmetry of the two properties should be retained and whether this information had been considered by the Conservation Officer in relation to this application. Certain Members expressed concern that the proposal would have a detrimental affect on the Conservation Area and terrace as a whole.


RESOLVED:That the application be refused for the following reason:


REASON:                 The proposed development would introduce a feature that is alien to the front roof slope of the terrace row, at the end of which the application property is located and of which nos. 13-18 (consecutive) are grade II listed.  Furthermore, it would unbalance the symmetry of 12a and 12b New Walk Terrace.  It would, therefore, have an adverse effect on the character, appearance and setting of the terrace row to the detriment of the grade II listed properties and on the character and appearance of the New Walk Terrace Conservation Area.  As a result, it is contrary to advice in Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planning and the Historic Environment, Policy E4 of the North Yorkshire Structure Plan and Policies HE3 and HE4 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (incorporating 4th set of changes, April 2005).

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