Agenda item

Tesco Stores Ltd, Stirling Road, York (06/02357/FULM)

Ground floor extension to rear of existing store, insertion of mezzanine to first floor and alterations to pedestrian access from the roundabout.


Members considered a Major Full Application, submitted by Tesco Stores for a ground floor extension to the rear of the existing store, the insertion of a mezzanine first floor and for alterations to the pedestrian access from the roundabout.


Officers updated that Condition 6 of the recommendation for approval required an addition to include details of the cycle barriers and signage to be approved in writing and for 4 additional conditions relating to retail sales area, retail food area, non food area and one to preclude the addition of a further mezzanine.


The Chair confirmed that, if the application was approved, the applicant would enter into a Section 106 Agreement with the authority which would ensure that Tesco could implement either this scheme or that previously approved which would have extended the store frontage by 6 metres but not both. Any approval would be subject to signing the agreement prior to work commencing.


Members questioned the reduction in car parking spaces for staff with the rear extension. The Applicants Agent, who was in attendance at the meeting to answer questions, confirmed that although staff numbers would rise by 50 with the expansion that with part time hours etc that they would not all be on site at the same time. Officers also confirmed that car parking spaces were still in excess of those required for the site and that sufficient car parking capacity remained during peak hours.


RESOLVED:That approval be granted subject to a Section 106 Agreement, the conditions listed in the report and the following additional and amended conditions:


Amended Condition 6:               The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until the pedestrian/cycle link shown on drawing P103 has been constructed in accordance with detailed drawings (including cycle barriers and signage) submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA.


Reason: to ensure safe means of pedestrian access and encourage sustainable travel.


Additional Conditions:

1               Additional mezzanine floors will not be permitted unless agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To avoid the proposed development having an adverse impact on York City Centre.


2             The amount of food sales floorspace shall be limited to no more than 4,240 sqm of the net retail sales floorspace.


Reason: To avoid the proposed development having an adverse impact on York City Centre.

3             The amount of non-food sales floorspace should be limited to no more than 2536 sqm of the net retail sales floorspace.


Reason: To minimise the impact of comparison goods sold at the store competing with York City Centre retail outlets selling the same goods.


4             The total net retail sales floorspace shall not exceed 6,776 sqm without prior written approval from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To avoid the proposed development having an adverse impact on York City Centre.


REASON:                 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the appearance of this building, the vitality of the city centre, living conditions enjoyed by occupiers of nearby dwellings or the safe operation of the highway network. As such the proposal complies with policies SP8, T4, T13, GP1 and S2 of the Local Plan Deposit Draft and the aims of PPS6.

Supporting documents:


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