Agenda item

Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Wednesday 13 July 2016.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


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“Please note this meeting will be filmed and webcast and that includes any registered public speakers, who have given their permission.  This broadcast can be viewed at


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It was reported that there had been eight registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme, and that one Member of Council had also requested to speak.  The registrations were in respect of the following items:


York Central


Mr Chris Barrett expressed concerns regarding the impact of the York Central proposals on St Paul’s Terrace and its neighbourhood. He stated that he was particularly concerned at the impact on the community garden and play area which would be destroyed to make way for an access road.  He stated that the garden had been created by volunteers and was well used by the community for a variety of activities.


Mr Andy Richardson expressed concern that the proposed access point from Chancery Rise would increase traffic congestion, noise, light and air pollution. He stated that there was already significant traffic and pollution in Holgate and the proposals would make the situation worse.  He urged Members not to permit another road to go through the community and commented on the loss of the community garden. Mr Richardson stressed the importance of a full assessment of the environmental impact.


Mr David Barrett spoke on the impact of the proposed Chancery Rise access road on the natural environment (in particular the Holgate Community Garden and Play Park) and the threat to the local heritage.  He drew attention to the wildlife that was present in the area.  He stated that the area was an area of special character because of its Victorian terrace streetscape and associated amenities and it should be protected from unsympathetic development.  Local opinion was unequivocally against the proposed access road because of the adverse impact that it would have on the community.  Whilst there was support for the development of a brownfield site, access to the site had to be reconsidered.


Mr Simon Graysmark spoke on issues in respect of crime, safety and anti-social behaviour arising from the proposed access to the site.  He stated that advice had not been sought from crime prevention experts on this matter and expressed concern about this.  He also urged Members to consider the impact on the Holgate Community Garden and its importance to the community.


Mr Jef Morris expressed his concern regarding the consultation that had taken place on the proposals.  He stated that the information that had been provided to residents had been limited and had not mentioned the adverse impact on neighbourhoods.  He stated that the consultation meetings had not been well publicised and he expressed concern regarding the questionnaire and the consultation process.


Mr Paul Kirkman, Director of National Railway Museum, stated that the museum was working in partnership to take the development forward and stressed the importance of the development to the museum and to the city.  The heritage of the site would be honoured and the project would be a catalyst to upgrade facilities.  Although there were issues to be addressed, in general the development would be a great thing for York.  Mr Kirkman urged the Executive to move the development forward. 


Councillor Crisp stated that she was speaking on behalf of the three Holgate Ward Councillors and on behalf of many residents of Holgate.  She expressed concerns regarding the unaffordability and type of housing that was planned.  She stated that expensive high rise apartments would not address the city’s housing needs and that there was a need to ensure that the housing was suitable for families, for exampled terraced housing with gardens.  It was important that social and affordable housing was included in the development.  Councillor Crisp also drew attention to the environmental impact of the proposed development and the additional congestion and pollution that would arise.


The Guildhall – Detailed Designs and Business Case


Mr David Horton, twice former Lord Mayor and a member of the former civics group that was raising funds for the restoration of the Mansion House, drew Members’ attention to paragraph 41 of the report on the Guildhall project which stated that the Mansion House garages were no longer part of the Mansion House listing.  He queried when the listing had been removed and expressed concern at the proposal to demolish the garages to open up the Guildhall Yard.  Mr Horton expressed concern as to how the civic party would be able to operate effectively without the mayoral car being accessible.   He urged Members to remove the demolition of the garages from the design proposals.


Mr Brian Watson, former Lord Mayor, stated that the Guildhall had the potential to be a world class venue and was a city icon.  He stated that he did not see the need for design changes such as the proposed removal of the dais to enable a link corridor to be put in place.  Mr Watson also commented that he did not believe that it would be sufficient for the Council to be able to use the building for only 12 civic events a year and he suggested that the agreement should specify the required usage in days rather than in number of events.  Mr Watson expressed concern at the removal of the listing of the garages, which he stated would impact detrimentally on the functionality of the Lord Mayor.  He commented that there were already many cafes and restaurants in the city and he urged Members to think again before going ahead with the proposals.


The speakers were thanked for their contributions.


The following written representations had also been received and had been circulated to Executive Members:

·        Ms Claire McMahon – on the provision of school places in Holgate (agenda item 7 refers)

·        Mr Steve Galloway – on the future of the Lowfields site, including a summary of the preliminary results of a public opinion survey in relation to the Lowfields site from local residents (agenda item 9 refers)



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