Agenda item

Land At Grid Reference 469030 444830, Church Lane, Wheldrake (16/00952/FUL)

Erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintaining of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission).  [Site Visit] [WheldrakeWard]


Members considered a full application from Derwent Valley Glamping for the erection of four seasonal tents utilising existing access, the creation and maintenance of a footpath link, and the incorporation of a habitat enhancement plan (resubmission).


Mr Chris Hobson, the applicant, addressed the committee in support of his application. He explained that the seasonal tents would incorporate kitchen and toilet facilities to avoid the need for additional external facilities. The car parking area would have the appearance of grass. A footpath had been constructed down the side of the site which was in private ownership but would be kept open to the public for access. He expressed the view that the proposals would provide an acceptable form of development in the green belt as the tents were temporary structures and would be removed out of season. He stated that the proposals would provide a significant amount of benefit including benefits to the local economy and to environmental habitat enhancements.


Members noted that the site was well screened from the road but the vista opened up once into the site and that the tents would overlook spectacular countryside and should attract visitors looking for peace and quiet with access to country walks and wildlife.


Some Members remarked that at the site visit they had observed local wildlife and had seen birds of prey and expressed concerns that the proposed use could not be achieved without creating a disturbance to this wildlife. They acknowledged that the tents would only be in place for part of the year but that they were of a substantial size and would impact on the greenbelt and the adjacent nature reserve with concerns of noise and light pollution associated with the use of the site. They noted that connections to sewerage and water would remain even when the tents were taken down.


Members considered whether it would be practical to grant permission for a year and view its operation after this period but acknowledged that this would involve a significant outlay to purchase tents and equipment. The officer advised that while some grades of greenbelt could potentially take this type of development, this was an important area of greenbelt and the harm to the greenbelt would be high with the reasons being put forward as very special circumstances being quite low.


Resolved:  That the application be refused.


Reason:     Policy YH9 and Y1 of the Yorkshire and Humber Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy to 2026 defines the general extent of the Green Belt around York with an outer boundary about 6 miles from the city centre. The site is identified as Green Belt in the City of York Development Control Local Plan (Approved April 2005). It is considered that the proposed development constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt as set out in section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework which is by definition harmful to the Green Belt. No 'very special circumstances' have been put forward by the applicant that would outweigh harm by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm, including harm to the purposes of Green Belt and openness and harm to the character and appearance of the area through visual impact and noise and disturbance). The proposal is therefore considered contrary to advice within the National Planning Policy Framework, in particular section 9 'Protecting Green Belt land', guidance within National Planning Practice Guidance (March 2014) and Policy GB1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan (April 2005).


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